7th SS Chapter 7.4 - 7.6 Guided Reading Flashcards
The American Colonization Society began an effort to gradually free and send slaves back to _______ a colony in African.
*Liberial means ________.
Place of freedom
Outdoor camp meetings that became popular during the Second Great Awakening were known as _________. At these meetings slavery was ________.
revivals; condemned
*____________ called for the immediate and complete emancipation of enslaved African Americans. He wrote the leading anti-slavery newspaper called _______.
William Llyod Garrison; The Liberator
_______ was a former slave who became one of the most powerful abolitionist speakers.
Frederick Douglass
*Douglass published an antislavery newspaper called ______.
The North Star
People helped people escape from slavery using a system known as the ______.
Underground Railroad
*_________an escaped slave, was the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad.
Harriet Tubman
To the southerners, even those who did not own slaves, slavery was essential to the _____________
Southern Economy
One of the most effective women’s right leader was born into ___________
*She took the name _________ because she vowed to travel the land speaking the truth. She spoke with wit and wisdom and spoke for both slaves and women.
Sojoner Truth
*Women fighting to end slavery formed the _______. These first abolitionists were America’s first ________.
Womens Rights movement; feminist
*________ was probably the most powerful and influential leader of the women’s rights movement during the 1800’s.
Susan B Anthony
*_______ a Quaker was also an abolitionist. She traveled to London to attend an antislavery convention and met another abolitionist, Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
Lucretia Mott
*Mott and Stanton organized a convention for women’s rights held in ______, New York in 1848.
Seneca Falls
*At this convention they asked for full equality for women including women’s _______ or the right to vote.
The women at the Seneca Falls Convention believed that _______ was the key to equality.
*_______ opened Mount Holyoke female Seminary in Massachusetts in 1837.
Mary lyon
Who founded the first medical school for woman and was the first woman in the United States to earn a medical degree?
Elizabeth Blackwell
Who was the first woman astronomer?
Maria Mitchell
Who was the editor of Godey’s Lady’s Book, a women magaizine?
Sara Josepha Hale
Who was the first woman minister in the United States?
Antoinette Backwell
By the mid-1800’s, American artists began to develop their own style and it was known as _______.
Hudson River School
_______ was a wildlife artist who traveled across the country painting birds and animals.
John James Audubon