7th SS Chapter 5.1 - 5.3 Notes Flashcards
What important precedent did Washington set at the end of his second term?
He decided not to run for a third term as President
Name the members of Washington’s Cabinet
- Thomas Jefferson - Secretary of State
- Alexander Hamilton - Secretary of Treasury
- General Knox - Secretary of War
What was one on Congress’ first actions?
Was to pass the Judiciary Act of 1789 which set up the federal court system
What were the components of the Judiciary Act of 1789?
Supreme Court THEN
One (1) Chief Justice
Five (5) Associate Justices
Supreme Court NOW
One (1) Chief Justice
Eight (8) Associate Justices
Who was the first Chief Justice of the U.S.?
John Jay
How much was the national debt in 1789-1791?
$77.2 million
What did Hamilton ask for to help American manufacturers?
Hamilton asked Congress to pass a new tariff, or tax, on foreign goods brought into the country. This would make imported goods more expensive than American made goods.
What tested the will of the new government?
The Whiskey Rebellion
Why did American support for the French Revolution lessen?
Because of the extreme violence or the reign of terror
Why did many Americans feel Jay’s Treaty was dishonorable?
Because it did nothing to protect the rights of neutral American ships
Americans saw political parties, as a threat to ?
National unity
Who did Jefferson believe was the “backbone” of the nation?
The farmers
View on federalism - Hamilton wanted the federal government to have ______ power than state governments.
View on federalism - Jefferson wanted the federal government to have ______ power than state governments.
How did Jefferson feel about the national bank?
Jefferson felt that the national bank was unconstitutional. He felt that any power not specifically given to the federal government belonged to the state government
What did Madison and Jefferson do to gain support for their views and to discredit Hamilton?
They decided to organize supporters of their views
What political party did Madison and Jefferson form?
Democratic Republicans
What party did Hamilton and his supporters form?
To which party did John Adams belong?
Could most Americans read at this time?
Who were the Candidates for the 1796 Election?
President - Thomas Jefferson
Vice President - Aaron Burr
President - John Adams
Vice President - Thomas Brinkney
In 1793, who began to seize American ships in the West Indies?
Who was the French foreign minister at the bottom of the XYZ Affair?
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
What was the result of Adams foreign policy?
created a split in the Federalists party
Who did Hamilton support?
When Adams sent minister again to France who was in charge?
Napoleon Bonaparte
Did Adams keep the U.S. out of war? What did it cost him?
Yes, Adams keep the U.S. out of the war but it cost him the support of many Federalists and weakened the party for the election of 1800.
Who did many believe was targeted by the Federalists with Alien and Sedition Acts?
immigrants - many recent immigrants supported Jefferson and the Democratic Republicans. These acts would keep immigrants from voting for years.
Since Jefferson could not go to help from the Supreme Court for against the Alien and Sedition Acts to whom did he term?
Jefferson urged the states to take strong action against these acts.
What issue did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions raise?
The issue of states’ rights
Who shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel? And what happened to the Federalist Party as a result?
Aaron Burr shot Hamilton in a duel.
The Federalist Party was greatly weakened after the death of its leader.