7th SS Chapter 6.1 - 6.4 Flashcards
A visitor from France, _________ became especially well known for his observations on American democracy.
Alexis de Tocqueville
During the 1820s more Americans gained _______ or the right to vote.
Where was the property requirement removed first?
In the West
Voter turnout percentages: before 1828?
never more than 27%
Voter turnout percentages: 1828?
nearly 58%
Voter turnout percentages: 1840?
nearly 80%
Who could not vote?
- Women
- Native Americans
- a vast majority of African Americans
Who were the candidates in the election of 1824 and their home states?
- Andrew Jackson - Tennessee
- John Quincy Adams - Massachusetts
- William Crawford - Georgia
- Henry Clay - Kentucky
Because no clear winner emerged who decided the elections?
Per the Constitution, the House of Representatives had to choose the president from among the top three candidates.
Who vote the popular vote?
Andrew Jackson
Why did Clay support Adams?
In return for Clay’s support, Adam’s named Clay Secretary of State - in the past, Secretaries of State had gone on to become president
What did Adams favor?
- promoting economic growth - new roads and canals
2. promoting the arts and sciences
Who founded the Whig party?
Henry Clay
What did Jackson’s Party become known as?
Democratic Party
Who won the election of 1828?
Andrew Jackson
How did Jackson gain national fame?
For his achievements during the War of 1812 - He led American forces to a major victory over the British at the Battle of New Orleans
How did Jackson win the presidency?
Largely because white men without property could now vote.
One of the biggest effects of Jacksonian politics was?
The development of the spoils system
What was the spoil system?
The practice of giving supporters government jobs
What divided the country along regional lines?
The conflict over states’ rights
What did Southerns call the tariff passed in 1828?
Tariff of Abominations
Who led the fight for nullification from South Carolina?
Vice President John Calhoun
Who designed and from what state was he from?
John Calhoun resigned as Vice President. He was from South Carolina.
What did South Carolina pass and what did it do?
South Carolina passed the Nullification Act which declared the new tariff illegal.