6.5 Stem Cells Flashcards
Process of a cell becoming specialised
Stem cells
Undifferentiated cells that have the potential to differentiate into many cell types
Why does the activity of stem cells need to be controlled?
Division not fast enough - tissues not efficiently replaced, causing ageing
Uncontrolled division - cause masses, such as cancer
Ability of stem cell to differentiate into any type of cell
Types of stem cells
Can differentiate into any type of cell
Zygotes are Totipotent cells - form a whole organism and tissues such as a amnion and umbilicus
Can form all tissue types but not whole organisms
Present in early embryos
Multi potent
Can only form a range of cells within a certain type of tissue
Haematopoetic stem cells in bone marrow are multi potent - form many types of blood cell
Why do RBCs have a short lifespan?
Lack of nucleus and organelles
How long do RBCs live for?
120 days
How long do neutrophils live for?
6 hours
Sources of adult stem cells
Embryonic stem cells
Tissue (adult stem cells)
Embryonic stem cells
Present at very early stage of embryo development
After 7 days, blastocyst is formed and the cells become pluripotent, stay this way until birth
Tissue stem cells
Present throughout life from birth
Found in specific areas such as bone marrow
Can also be harvested from umbilical cords of new born babies
Advantages of using umbilical cord stem cells
Plentiful supply
Invasive surgery is not required
Can be stored
Sources of plant stem cells
Meristematic tissue
Growing regions of plants - root shoots and tips
Found between xylem and phloem, vascular cambium
Pluripotent nature of stem cells continue throughout life of plant
Possible treatments using stem cells
Heart disease - replace damaged heart tissue
Type 1 diabetes
Parkinson’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease
Macular degeneration - can cause blindness
Birth defects
Spinal injuries
Existing use of stem cells
Treating burns - stem cells grown on biodegradable meshes can produce new skin for burn patients
Drug trials - test on stem cells before animals and humans
Developmental biology
Ethics of using embryonic stem cells
Destruction of embryos after extracting stem cells
Some people regard that as murder
Who owns the genetic material being used for research?
Religious objections