12.3 Transmission Of Communicable Diseases Flashcards
Two main types of disease transmission
Direct transmission
Pathogen is transferred directly from one individual to another by:
Direct contact
Direct contact
Kissing or contact of bodily fluids of person
Direct skin to skin contact
Microorganisms from faeces transmitted on the hands
Through a break in the skin
From an animal bite
Through a puncture wound or through sharing needles
Taking in contaminated food or drink
Transferring pathogens to the mouth from the hands
Indirect transmission
Pathogen travels from one individual to another indirectly by
Droplet infection
Inanimate objects such as bedding, socks, can transfer pathogens
Droplet infection
Droplets containing pathogens are released during talking, coughing, sneezing
If healthy individuals breathe this in, they could become infected
Transmits communicable pathogens from one host to another
Eg - insects and water
Transmission between animals and humans
Some communicable diseases can be passed from animals to people
Minimise close contact with animals and washing hands thoroughly can reduce spread
Sometimes humans can act as vectors for animal diseases like foot and mouth disease
Factors that increase probability of catching a communicable disease
Overcrowded living and working conditions
Poor nutrition
Compromised immune system
Poor disposal of waste (breeding site for vectors)
Climate change - introduce new vectors and diseases
Culture and infrastructure
Socioeconomic factors - lack of trained health workers and insufficient public warning if there is an outbreak of disease
Direct transmission of plant diseases
Direct contact of a healthy plant with any part of a diseased plant
Soil contamination
Infected plants leave pathogens or reproductive spores from Protocista or fungi in the soil
They survive the composting process, so infection cycle can be completed when contaminated compost is used
These can infect the next crop
Vectors in plants
Wind - spores can be carried in the wind
Water - spores swim in the surface film of water on leaves, rain splashes carry pathogens and spores
Animals - insects and birds carry pathogens and spores from one plant to another
Humans - transmitted by hands, clothing, equipment, fomites and by transporting plants around the world
Factors that increase transmission of disease in plants
Planting varieties of crops that are susceptible to disease
Poor mineral nutrition
Damp, warm conditions increase survival of pathogens
Climate change - increased rainfall and wind promote spread of disease, can spread to new areas
How to reduce spread of disease in plants
Leave room between plants
Clear fields throughly after harvest
Rotate crops - spores or bacteria will eventually die without access to host plant
Strict hygiene - wash hands, sterilise equipment
Control insect vectors