6.3 Modern Olympic Games Flashcards
Who established the first olympic games and when?
- baron pierre de coubertin
- 1896
What are the aims of the olympic games?
- promote development of the physical and moral qualities
- spread olympic principles
- bring together athletes of the world every four years
- educate young people through sports in a spirit of better understanding between each other and of friendship, thereby helping to build a peaceful world
What does BOA stand for?
british olympic association
Explain the BOA?
- formed in 1905
- responcible for planning and execution of GBs Olympic team
- responsible for developing the Olympic movement in the UK
- not funded by government, no political interest, dependant on commercial sponsorship and fundraising income
What does the IOC stand for?
international olympic committee
Explain the IOC?
- created by Paris Congress in 1894
- owns all rights to the olympic symbol and the Olympic games
- administers the Olympic movement and has headquarters in Switzerland
- members are appointed by the IOC and are responsible for selecting host cities
What is propaganda?
a type of communication that seeks to influence people towards a certain cause
What is propaganda?
a type of communication that seeks to influence people towards a certain cause
What is the apartheid?
a range of policies of racial segregation under a system of legislation. Common in South Africa from 1948-1994. non white south africans were forced to live different lives then white south africans
What was the first significant olympics?
Berlin 1936 - third reich
What was significance of the berlin games?
- used by hitler and nazi regime as a platform for political propoganda
- german athletes trained full time which undermined the amateur ideology of the Olympic games
- hitler refused to place medals around Jesse Owens neck after he beat a german in the long jump
When was the Mexico olympics and why was it significant?
1968, black power demonstration
Explain the mexico olympics?
- south africas invitation to the game was withdrawn because other countries were threatening to boycott the games due to its apartheid regime
- african americans were able to protest to the world when two black atheletes used a medal ceremony to protest the lack of civil rights in the USA. they raised black gloved fists a gesture to black power salute
What was political about the Munich 1972 olympics?
palestinian terrorism
Explain the munich olympics?
- day before games, palestinian terrorists entered the village and seized 11 Israeli athletes
- terrorists made a political request to release 234 palestinians who were imprisoned in Israel
- german authorities made rescue attempts however all of the hostages and five terrorists were killed
What olympics happened in 1980 ?
what happened in the Munich olympics?
- in December 1979, the soviet Union invaded Afghanistan which created a conflict that would last 10 years and extend the cold war
- the USA boycotted the Olympic games, alongside some British athletes. 4000 athletes boycotted the games
When was the los angeles olympics and what was significant?
1984, boycott led by the soviet union
Explain LA olympics?
- in responce to 1980 games, many countries ( soviet union) announced they would boyucott the 1984 games
- total of 14 nations refused to take part. the soviet union blamesd the commercialisation of the games and the lack of security measures