6. Antibiotic resistance (B1.1.2 How our bodies prevent themselves against infectious diseases) Flashcards
What has overuse and inappropriate use of antibiotics increased?
The rate of development of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria.
Why do individual resistant pathogens survive?
Antibiotics kill individual pathogens of the non-resistant strain only.
Why does the population of the resistant strain increase?
Individual resistant pathogens survive and reproduce.
What produces new strains?
Mutations of pathogens.
Why have many strains of bacteria developed resistance to antibiotics?
As a result of natural selection.
Give example of a resistant strain.
What should we do to prevent further resistance arising?
It is important to avoid over-use of antibiotics.
Why is the rate of development of resistant strains slowed down now?
Now, antibiotics are not used tp treat non-serious infections, such as mild throat infections.
Why does a resistant strain spread rapidly?
Antibiotics and vaccination may no longer be effective against a new strain of the pathogen.
People are not immune to it and there is no effective treatment.