4.5 Oral Cavity Flashcards
What is the role of the soft palate in swallowing?
Elevates and closes off pharyngeal isthmus during swallowing
What is the action and innervation of the Hyoglossus m.?
depresses tongue (CN XII)
What is the action and innervation of the Styloglossus m.?
Retracts and elevates tongue (CN XII)
What is the action and innervation of the Genioglossus m.?
protrudes tongue (CN XII)
What is the action of the longitudinal intrinsic mm. of the tongue?
shorten and thicken tongue
What is the action of the transverse intrinsic mm. of the tongue?
narrow and thicken tongue
What is the action of the vertical intrinsic mm. of the tongue?
flatten and broaden tongue
What nerve provides most of the motor innervation of the soft palate?
What muscle (soft palate) is not innervated by CN X?
tensor veli palatini (CN V3)
What vessel is primarily responsible for sublingual absorption of drugs?
deep lingual v. (intimately accompanies hypoglossal n.)
Where would a malignant tumor from the root of the tongue metastasize?
superior deep cervical nodes (posterior 1/3), close relation to IJV
Where would a malignant tumor from the tip of the tongue metastasize?
submental nodes –> deep cervical nodes
Where would a malignant tumor from the middle of the tongue (post part of ant. 2/3) metastasize?
contralaterally drained by inferior cervical nodes
Where would a malignant tumor from the lateral aspects of the tongue metastasize?
submandibular nodes
Where would a malignant tumor from the middle section of the lower lip travel?
submental –> deep cervical lymph nodes
In the innervation of the submandibular and sublingual glands, where do the preganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies originate and what nerve do they travel via?
Superior salivatory nucleus and travel via chorda tympani n. (CN VII)
In the innervation of the submandibular and sublingual glands, what n. does the chorda tympani (CN VII) travel with and where does it synapse?
lingual n. (CN V3) and synapses in submandibular ganglion
What nerve crosses the submandibular duct in the floor of the mouth?
lingual n. crosses under
Where does the submandibular duct open?
sublingual caruncle (lateral to frenulum of tongue)
Where do sublingual ducts open?
15-20 short ducts along the sublingual fold (medial surface of the mandible)
What is the taste pathway to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
chorda tympani (VII) from taste buds on lingual papillae (Fungiform and foliate)
What is the taste pathway to the posterior 1/3 of the tongue?
glossopharyngeal n. (IX) for both general and special senses- taste buds on large valuate papillae along the sulcus terminals
What demarcates the anterior 2/3rd from the posterior 1/3rd of the tongue?
sulcus terminalis (“v” shaped)
What does the lingual n. pass lateral to after entering the sublingual space? (so does CN XII and lingual v.)
hyoglossus m.
What does the lingual n. pass over in the sublingual space and what does it do?
over the deep (superior) part of the submandibular gland where it suspends the submandibular ganglion?
How would a pt present with a CN XII lesion?
Genioglossus m. = unilateral denervation –> tongue divates to affected side.
Hyoglossus m. = unable to depress tongue
Styloglossus m. = unable to retract and elevate tongue
Intrinsic mm. = unable to modify shape of tongue
How would a pt present with a CN X lesion?
levator veli palatini m. = unable to elevate soft palate; unilateral denervation –> uvula deviates away from affected side.
Palatoglossus m. = unable to elevate tongue and depress soft palate during mastication
Palatopharyngeus m. = unable to elevate pharynx during swallowing
How would a pt present with a CN IX lesion?
Loss of taste in posterior 1/3 of tongue and sensation in posterior 1/3 of tongue and pharynx, loss of gag reflex, loss of parotid gland function (dry mouth)
What passes medial (deep) to hyoglossus m.?
lingual a.
What comes of the lingual a. immediately before it passes deep to hyoglossus m.?
dorsal lingual a.
What is the name of 1 of the 2 terminal branches of the lingual a. that passes dorsally on the lateral surface of the tongue?
deep lingual a.
What is the name of 1 of the 2 terminal branches of the lingual a. that supplies the lower part of tongue and sublingual gland?
sublingual a.
What does the lingual v. intimately accompany?
hypoglossal n.
The hypoglossal n. (XII) enters the sublingual space by passing over …
the posterior margin of mylohyoid m.
What is the relation of CN XII to the submandibular gland?
passes medial to it