3.3 Triangles of the Neck Flashcards
Superior border of the anterior cervical triangle
inferior margin of mandible
Inferior border of the anterior cervical triangle
jugular notch
Medial border of the anterior cervical triangle
anteriomedian line of the neck
Lateral border of the anterior cervical triangle
anterior margin of sternocleidomastoid
Anterior border (roof) of the anterior cervical triangle
platysma m. and investing later of deep cervical fascia
What is found in the muscular triangle?
infrahyoid mm. and thyroid gland
What is found in the carotid triangle?
common carotid a., carotid sinus, internal jugular v., CN X, CN XII
What is found in the submandibular (digastric) triangle?
submandibular gland, submandibular lymph nodes, facial a. and v.
What is found in the submental (suprahyoid) triangle?
lymph nodes
What innervates the platysma m?
facial n. (cervical branch of CN VII)
What is the action of the platysma m.?
depresses lower jaw/lip, angle of mouth; wrinkles skin of neck
What innervates the sternocleidomastoid m.?
spinal accessory n. (CN XI)
What is the origin of the sternocleidomastoid m.?
manubrium and medial 1/3 of clavicle
What is the action of the sternocleidomastoid m.?
singly turns face toward opposite side; together flex head, raise thorax
What innervates the anterior belly of digastric m.?
n. to mylohyoid (CN V3)
What innervates the posterior belly of digastric m.?
facial n.
What innervates the mylohyoid m.?
n. to mylohyoid m. (CN V3)
What innervates the stylohyoid m.?
facial n.
What innervates the gleniohyoid m.?
C1 via hypoglossal n. (CN XII)
What muscles are innervated by ansa cervicalis?
omohyoid m., sternohyoid m., sternothyroid m.
What innervates the thyrohyoid m.?
C1 via hypoglossal n. (CN XII)
What branch of the external carotid artery arises below the level of the greater horn of the hyoid bone?
Superior thyroid a.
What does the superior thyroid a give off?
superior laryngeal a.
What branch of the external carotid artery arises at the level of the tip of the greater horn of the hyoid bone?
Lingual a.
What branch of the external carotid artery above the lingual artery; ascend forward, deep to the post. belly of digastric?
Facial a.
What branch of the external carotid artery arises from the posterior surface; ascends between internal carotid a. and wall of pharynx?
Ascending pharyngeal a.
What branch of the external carotid artery arises from the posterior surface above the hyoid?
Occipital a.
What branch of the external carotid artery arises from the posterior surface above the posterior belly digastric?
Posterior auricular a.
What branch of the external carotid artery arises behind the neck of the mandible; larger terminal branch?
Maxillary a. (terminal branch)
What branch of the external carotid artery arises behind the neck of the mandible; smaller terminal branch?
Superficial temporal a. (terminal branch)
What is the cervical plexus formed by?
ventral primary rami of C1-C4
What are the motor branches of ansa cervicalis (a–>p)
n. to omohyoid m. (superior belly), n. to sternothyroid m., n. to sternohyoid m., n. to omohyoid m. (inferior belly)
What are the sensory branches of the cervical plexus?
great auricular n., transverse cervical n., supraclavicular n.
Superficial cervical nodes lie along the … in the ant. triangle and receive lymphatics from anterior neck.
anterior jugular vein
Superior deep cervical nodes lie along the …
interior jugular v. in the carotid triangle
Efferents drain to the deep cervical nodes to form the jugular trunk, emptying into the … on the left.
thoracic duct
Where does the jugular trunk empty on the right?
junction of the internal jugular v. and subclavian v.
Anterior border of posterior cervical triangle
posterior margin of SCM m.
Posterior border of posterior cervical triangle
anterior margin of trapezius m.
Inferior border of posterior cervical triangle
middle 1/3 of clavicle
Roof of the posterior cervical triangle
platysma m. and investing layer of deep cervical fascia
Floor of the posterior cervical triangle
splenius cervicis m., levator scapulae m., and scalenius mm.
What is the 1st branch of the thyrocervical trunk, that passes in from of the ant. scalene m.?
suprascapular a.
What is the 2nd branch from thyrocervical trunk?
transverse cervical a.
What is the path of the transverse cervical a. once it leaves the posterior cervical triangle?
Passes in front of the phrenic n. on the ant. scalene m.; dives deep to the trapezius m.
Where is the phrenic n. found?
descending on anterior scalene m.
What is the relationship of the dorsal scapular n. with the scalene mm?
emerges from behind the anterior scalene m.
What does the dorsal scapular n innervate?
levator scapulae m.
What is the relationship of the long thoracic n. to the scalene mm.?
pierces middle scalene m.
What sensory n. of the posterior cervical triangle, ascends along post. margin of SCM m.; innervates scalp behind auricle?
lesser occipital n. (C2)
What sensory n. of the posterior cervical triangle, ascends on SCM m. toward inferior margin of pinna?
Great auricular n. (C2-C3)
What sensory n. of the posterior cervical triangle, crosses over SCM toward midline of ant. cervical triangle?
transverse cervical n. (C2-C3)
What sensory n. of the posterior cervical triangle, innervates skin over clavicle and shoulder?
Supraclavicular n. (C3-C4)
Where is the nerve point of the neck?
lies along the post. margin of the SCM, approx. at the superior and middle 1/3 of the muscle
What is the innervation of the splenius captious m.?
dorsal primary rami C2-C6
What is the innervation of the levator scapulae m.?
nn. to levator scapulae (C3-C4), d. scapular n.
What is the innervation of the scalenus ant. m.?
What is the innervation of the scalenus medius m.?
What is the innervation of the scalenus post. m.?
What is the action of the splenius captious m.?
extends neck and head