3.4 Muscles of Facial Expression Flashcards
Raises eyebrows and wrinkles forehead
frontalis m.
retracts scalp
occipitals m.
Closes eyelids
orbicularis oculi
Pulls eyebrows medially and inferiorly; creates horizontal wrinkle across bridge of nose
Pulls eyebrows medially; creases multiple vertical wrinkles along medial aspects of supra-orbital margin
Corrugator supercilli m.
Flares nostrils
nasalis m.
closes mouth, compresses lips against teeth and produces protrusion of kips (kissing)
orbicularis oris
elevates corner of the mouth (bilaterally = smiling, unilaterally = sneering); dilates mouth
zygomaticus major
Dilates mouth and raises upper lip
zygomaticus minor
dilates mouth and lifts the angle of the mouth
levator anguli oris
retracts (elevate) upper lip; dilates mouth
levator labii superioris
Pulls angles of mouth inferiorly
depressor angel oris
depresses lower lip
depressor labi inferioris
Elevates and protrudes lower lip (pouting)
What is the origin of the buccinator muscle?
pterygomandibular raphe
Presses check against teeth (keeps food between occlusal surfaces of teeth), resists forces when blowing, whistling, or sucking