4.1 Neuromuscular function Flashcards
The basics of neuromuscular function. Neuromuscular Junction & the sliding filament theory are not included in this deck!!!!
Whats the purpose of the nervous system?
To regulate the body’s internal environment as well as respond to the external environment.
Controls voluntary movement of skeletal muscle, involuntary regulation of cardiac and smooth muscle and glands.
What does the nervous system consist of?
- The Central Nervous System (CNS)
Brain and Spinal Cord - The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Nerves extending from the spinal cord to the body.
Explain the nervous system pathway
-Sensory receptors detect changes inside & outside body -> send signals via sensory neurons to central nervous system (CNS, where information is processed)
-If response is required, CNS sends electrical signal via motor neurons to effector (muscle and glands)
What is a motor unit?
consists of a single motor neuron & the muscle fibers it innervates
Label a diagram of a motor unit.
What are the 3 types of skeletal muscle fibers and what are they typically used for?
Type 1- Slow Oxidative Fiber
- Maintain posture (anti-gravity muscles), endurance running
- Back and neck muscles
Type 2A - Fast Oxidative Fiber
- Middle distance running
- Leg muscles.
Type 2B- Fast Glycolitic Fiber
- Rapid, intense movements of short duration. (Ball throwing, weight lifting)
- Arm muscles
What are the three types of skeletal muscle fiber classified on?
- How fast a muscle will twitch
- Pathway used to generate ATP/Energy
- anaerobic (glycolytic) or aerobic (oxidative)
Explain how slow and fast twitch fibre types differ in speed of contraction
Type 1- Slow Oxidative Fiber : SLOW
Type 2A - Fast Oxidative Fiber : FAST
Type 2B- Fast Glycolitic Fiber : FAST
Explain how slow and fast twitch fibre types differ in glycogen stores
Type 1- Slow Oxidative Fiber : Low
Type 2A - Fast Oxidative Fiber : Intermediate
TYPE 2B - Fast Glycolytic Fiber : High
Explain how slow and fast twitch fibre types differ in recruitment order
Type 1- Slow Oxidative Fiber : FIRST
Type 2A - Fast Oxidative Fiber : SECOND
Type 2B- Fast Glycolitic Fiber : THIRD
Explain how slow and fast twitch fibre types differ in rate of fatigue
Type 1- Slow Oxidative Fiber : SLOW (fatigue-resistant)
Type 2A - Fast Oxidative Fiber : INTERMEDIATE (moderately fatigue-resistant)
Type 2B- Fast Glycolitic Fiber : FAST (fatigable)
Explain how slow and fast twitch fibre types differ in color
Type 1- Slow Oxidative Fiber : RED (full of oxygen)
Type 2A - Fast Oxidative Fiber : red-pink
Type 2B- Fast Glycolitic Fiber : white (pale)
Explain how slow and fast twitch fibre types differ in fiber diameter
Type 1- Slow Oxidative Fiber : small
Type 2A - Fast Oxidative Fiber : intermediate
Type 2B- Fast Glycolitic Fiber : large
Explain how slow and fast twitch fibre types differ in mitochondria
Type 1- Slow Oxidative Fiber : many
Type 2A - Fast Oxidative Fiber : many
Type 2B- Fast Glycolitic Fiber : few
Explain how slow and fast twitch fibre types differ in capillaries
Type 1- Slow Oxidative Fiber : many
Type 2A - Fast Oxidative Fiber : many
Type 2B- Fast Glycolitic Fiber : few
Explain how the structure and function of fast twitch muscle fibres contribute to the performance of a sprinter. [5]