40. Horace, Epode 9 vocabulary Flashcards
* aspiciô (adspicio), aspicere, aspexî, aspectum *
behold, see; look towards, lie toward; examine, ponder
* bibô, -ere, bibî, (pôtus) *
Caecubum, i, n.
a place in S. Latium; Caecuban wine
Caecubus, a, um
* canô, -ere, cecinî, cantus *
sing; prophesy, foretell
capax, -âcis
spacious, roomy
cieô, -êre, cîvî, citus
stir up, agitate;move
Chius, a, um
Chian; (n.) wine of Chios; (n. pl.) Chian cloth
citus, -a, -um
swift, fleet
coerceô, -êre, -uî, -itum
enclose, confine; control
condô, -ere, -didî, -dîtus
found; compose, write; store up; put away, bury
cônôpeum, î, n. (cônôpeum / cônôpium)
mosquito net
Crêta, -ae, f.
daps, dapis, f. (sing. or plural)
banquet, feast
dêtrahô, -ere, -traxî, -tractum
drag down
Dôrius, a, um
Doric, Greek
êmancipô (êmancupô) (1)
transfer; declare to be free; entrust to (+ dat.)
exercitâtus, a, um
trained, disciplined
* fluô, -ere, flûxî, flûxûrus *
fremô, -ere, -uî, -itûrus
roar, howl
frêtus, -a, -um
relying (on), depending (on)
fretum, -î, n.
strait (of water); sea
Iugurthînus, a, um
Jugurthine, of Jugurtha (king of Numidia, 160-104 B.C.)
iuvô, iuvâre, iûvî, iûtus
aid, help; (often used impersonally in third person singular to mean “what use is it to…”)
Carthago (Karthago), inis, f
lateô, -êre, -uî, —
lie hidden, escape the notice of
lûgubris, -e (adj.)
mourning, doleful
Lyaeus, a, um
Bacchic; m. Bacchus; wine
lyra, -ae, f.
mêtior, -îrî, mênsus
metus, -ûs, m.
nausea, ae, f.
sea-sickness; vomiting
notô (1)
mark, brand
perfidus, a, um
treacherous, perfidious
portus, -ûs, m.
Pûnicus, a, um
Punic, Carthaginian; red, purple
puppis, -is, f.
stern (of a ship); ship
reporto (1)
carry back
repônô, -ponere, -posuî, -positum
replace, restore; lay aside, store up; lay down; count, reckon among
rûgôsus, -a, -um
full of wrinkles
sagum, î, n.
cloak (esp. a military cloak)
scyphus, î, m.
goblet, cup
signum, -î, n.
sign, signal; standard; statue
sinistrorsum or sinistrorsus
to the left
spado, spadônis m.
Syrtis, -is, f.
the Gulf of Sidra (Libya); f.pl. the Syrtes (sand bars famous for their desolation)
tîbia, -ae, f.
flute, pipe
* ûrô, -ere, ussî, ûstus *
* ûrô, -ere, ussî, ûstus *
vâllum, -î, n.
rampart, wall