27. Catullus 64.382 to end Flashcards
Amarunsius, a, um
belonging to place in Boeotia sacred to Diana
annuus, a, um
armô (1)
arm, furnish with arms
avertô (avortô), -ere, -vertî, -versum
turn away; embezzle
caelicola, -ae, m/f. (gen. pl. caelicolum)
inhabitant of heaven; god or goddess
castus, -a, -um
pure, chaste, holy
caterva, -ae, f.
throng, crowd
certâmen, -inis, n.
strife, struggle, contest
with eager rivalry
coetus (coitus), -ûs, m.
meeting, gathering
* cônspiciô, -ere, -spexî, -spectus *
see, catch sight of
contingô, -tingere, -tigî, -tactum
contact, touch; connect; continue
crînis, -is, m.
hair, locks
cupidus, -a, -um
desirous, eager
Delphî, -ôrum, m.pl.
dêsistô, -ere, -stitî, -stitûrus
cease, desist
diês, -êî, m. (f.)
day; time
dignor, -arî, -âtus
think worthy
effundô, -ere, -fûdî, -fûsum
pour out; abandon, waste
era, -ae, f.
mistress of the house; mistress
evans, evantis
giving the Bacchic cry “evan!”
exstinguô (extinguo), -ere, -stînxî, -stînctus
for, fârî, fâtus
fêlix, -îcis
lucky, fortunate, happy
festus, a, um
joyous, festive
flôs, flôris, m.
frâternus, a, um
fugô (1)
put to flight, chase away
fulgeô, -êre, fulsî, — / fulgô, -ere, — , —
flash, gleam
fûmô (1)
emit smoke, smoke
fûnus, -eris, m.
funeral, death
genitor, -ôris, m.
sire, father
* nâscor, nâscî, nâtus (gnâtus)
be born
gnatus, î, m.
hêrôs, hêrôis, m.
hero, demigod
hortor, -ârî, -âtus
urge, encourage
ignârus, -a, -um
ignorant, uncomprehending
imbuô, -ere, -uî, -ûtum
drench, steep; wet for the first time; inaugurate, initiate
impius (inpius), a, um
impious, disobedient
innupta, -ae, f.
an unmarried girl
invîsô, -ere, -visî, -visum
go to see; look upon
iustifîcus, a, um
acting justly, righteous
iustitia, -ae, f.
lêtifer, -era, -erum
bringing death, deadly
lûgeô, -êre, lûxî, lûctus
mourn, grieve
lûmen, -inis, n.
* mâlô, mâlle, mâluî, — *
(be more willing), prefer
malus, -a, -um
mâlus, -î, m/f.
m. mast (of a ship); f. apple tree
Mâvors, Mâvortis, m.
mêns, mentis, f.
mortâlis, -e
for, for indeed
nâscor, nâscî, nâtus
be born
nâtus, -î, m.
a son; pl. children, offspring
* nâscor, nâscî, nâtus *
be born
nâtus, -î, m.
a son; pl. children, offspring
natô (1)
nefandus, a, um
unspeakable, impious
noverca, ae, f.
omnis, -e
all, every
optô (1)
wish, pray for
Parca, -ae, f.
Roman goddess of birth; one of the Fates
parcus, a, um
thrifty, frugal
Parnâsus, -î, m.
Parnassus (the mountain near Delphi)
* patior, patî, passus *
suffer; permit, allow
pectus, -oris, n.
breast, chest
Pêlêus, -eî, m. (acc. Pêlea)
Peleus (son of Aeacus, husband of Thetis, father of Achilles)
Penâtês, -ium, m.pl.
Penates, household gods
perfundô, -ere, -fûdî, -fûsum
drench, sprinkle
permisceô, -êre, -miscuî, -mixtum
mix together; confuse
permixtus, a, um
confused; promiscuous
pietâs, -âtis, f.
sense of duty, piety
potior, -îrî, -îtus
get possession of, become master
praefor, -fârî, -fâtus
say by way of preface
praesêns, -entis
prîmaevus, a, um
prôcumbô, -ere, -cubuî, -cubitum
bend forward, fall forward
on account of which thing; wherefore, therefore
rapidus, a, um
strongly flowing; rapid; scorching, consuming
revîsô, -ere
pay another visit; return to
ruô, -ere, ruî, rûtus (ruitûrus)
fall (in ruin); rush
sanguis, -inis, m.
scelerô (1)
stain; defile with wicked acts
scelus, -eris, n.
sê or sêsê, suî, sibî or sibi, sê or sêsê
himself, herself, itself, themselves (reflexive)
soleô, -êre, solitus sum
be wont, be accustomed
spernô, -ere, sprêvî, sprêtus
despise, scorn, slight
substernô, -ere, -strâvî, -strâtum
spread oneself underneath
tâlis, tâle
such, of such a kind; so great, so excellent
taurus, -î, m.
tellûs, -ûris, f.
earth, world
terra, -ae f.
earth, land
Thyias, -adis, f.
a Maenad
tôtus, a, um
whole, all, entire
Trîtôn, -ônis, m.
Triton (a sea god); a river in Boeotia, sacred to Athena
vagus, a, um
wandering; uncertain
* veniô, -îre, vênî, ventum *
* vereor, verêrî, veritus *
fear; revere; respect
vertex, -icis, m.
whirlpool; the top of the head; top, peak
vîsô, -ere, vîsî, vîsus
go to see, visit