24. Catullus 64 1-37 vocabulary Flashcards
abiegnus, a, um
adeô, -îre, -iî or -îvî, -itum
approach, attack
to such a degree, even
admîror, -ârî, -âtus
wonder at, admire
adveniô, -îre, -vênî, -ventum
Aeêtaeus, a, um
of Aetes (king of Colchis, on the Black Sea)
aequor, -oris, n.
the sea
aequoreus, a, um
of the sea
Amphîtrîtê, -ês, f.
the wife of Neptune; the sea
amplector, -î, -plexus
arx, arcis, f.
citadel, stronghold
arceô, -êre, -uî, —
shut in; shut out, keep off
Argîvus, a, um
of Argos, Argive; Greek
augeô, -êre, auxî, auctus
increase (transitive)
auctus, a, um
increased in size, power, wealth; enriched, enhanced
avertô (avortô), -ere, -vertî, -versum
turn away; embezzle
aurâtus, a, um
* audeô, -êre, ausus sum (perf. subj. ausim etc.) *
caerula, -ôrum, n. pl.
the blue of the sky; the blue of the sea
candeô, -êre
be shining white, glitter, glow
candens, -entis
shining white, glowing
* canô, -ere, cecinî, cantus *
sing; prophesy, foretell
cânus, a, um
white, gray
carîna, -ae, f.
keel; ship
carmen, -inis, n.
song, poem
an obscure place in Thessaly (nom. sing.)
cieô, -êre, cîvî, citus
stir up, agitate
citus, -a, -um
swift, fleet
coetus (coitus), -ûs, m.
meeting, gathering
coeô, -îre, -îvî or -iî, -itum
come together
Colchis, -idis, f.
a country on the Black Sea
Colchus, a, um
of Colchis (a country on the Black Sea)
Colchî, -ôrum, m. pl.
the Colchians (inhabitants of Colchis, a country on the Black Sea)
columnen, -inis, n.
roof; summit
compellô (1)
concêdô, -ere, -cessî, -cessus
yield, grant, concede
coniungô, -ere, -iunxî, -iunctum
joint together, associate
conventus, -ûs, m.
an assembly, meeting
Crannon, Crannonis
a town in Thessaly
currus, -ûs, m.
cursus, -ûs, m.
running; course
dêclârô (1)
make clear or plain; declare
dêcurrô, -currere, -cucurrî or -currî, -cursum
pass over, traverse; run down
dêserô, -ere, -seruî, -sertus
desert, abandon
dêspiciô, -ere, -spexî, -spectus
look down on; despise
êmergô, -ere, emersî, -emersum
come out of the water, emerge
exceptionally, especially
exstô, -stâre, -stitî
stand out
* faciô, -ere, fêcî, factus *
do, make
fêlix, -îcis
lucky, fortunate, happy
* ferô, ferre, tulî, lâtus *
bear, endure; carry, bring
fînis, -is, m.
end, limit; (pl.) territory
fîniô, -îre, -îvî (-iî), -îtus
limit, end, bound
flâmen, -inis, n.
gust, gale, breeze
fluctus, -ûs, m.
wave, billow
frequentô (1)
fill with people; occupy, crowd, throng
fretum, -î, n.
strait (of water); sea
frêtus, -a, -um
relying (on), depending (on)
gaudium, -iî, n.
joy, delight
genitor, -ôris, m.
sire, father
genus, -eris, n.
birth, origin; descendant; race; class, order
gurges, -itis, m.
swirling waters, gulf; sea
hêrôs, hêrôis, m.
hero, demigod
hûmânus, -a, -um
human; refined, civilized, kindly
hymenaeus, -î, m.