21. Catullus 63.31-60 vocabulary Flashcards
aciês, -êî, f.
edge; sharpness of sight; line of battle
aestuô (1)
boil, seethe
aethêr, -eris, m. (acc. aethera)
upper air
alloquor (adloquor), alloquî, allocûtus
speak to, address
anhêlô, -âre
breathe hard, gasp, pant
Attis, Attidis, m./f.
the eunuch consort of Cybele
aureus, -a, -um
golden, gold
* capiô, capere, cêpî, captus *
take, capture
careô, -êre, -uî, -itûrus
be without, lack
Cerês, -eris, f.
Ceres; grain, bread
citus, -a, -um
swift, fleet
comitor, -ârî, -âtus
creâtrix, icis, f.
mother, creatress
cupiô, -ere, -îvî (-iî), -îtus
Cybelê or Cybêbê, -ês, f. (also Cybela, -ae, f.)
Cybele, the Phrygian goddess worshipped as Magna Mater
dîrigô (dêrigô), -ere, -rêxî, -rêctus
direct; straighten
domô, -âre, -uî, -itus
tame, subdue
erifuga, ae, m.
a runaway slave
exciô, -îre, -îvî or -iî, -îtum or excieô, -êre
call, summon; disturb, excite; produce
famulus, î, m.
slave, servant (male)
foris, -is, f.
fugiô, -ere, fûgî, fugitûrus
furibundus, -a, -um
raging, mad, furious
furor, -ôris, m.
madness, rage, frenzy
fûror, -ârî, -âtus sum
Galla, ae, f.
an emasculated priest of Cybele
gelidus, -a, -um
(icy-) cold
genetrix, -îcis, f.
genitor, -ôris, m.
sire, father
gymnasium, î, n.
an athletic / educational center
Îda, -ae (Îdê, -ês), f.
a mountain range in Phrygia, near Troy; a mountain in Crete
indomitus, a, um
so, thus, in this way
and so
iugum, -î, n.
yoke; (mountain) ridge
iuvenca, ae, f.
labô (1)
totter; hesitate; fall to pieces
labor, -ôris, m.
toil, difficulty
lacrimô (1)
languor, -ôris, m.
weakness, faintness
lassus, a, um
tired, exhausted (dim. lassulus)
latibulum, î, n.
hiding place, lair, den
liquidus, -a, -um
fluid, liquid
locus, -î, m. (plural: loca, n.)
lûstrô (1)
make bright; purify; traverse; survey
mollis, -e
soft, yielding
nemus, -oris, n.
grove, glade
nimius, -a, -um
too great, too much
nix, nivis, f.
onus, -eris, n.
opâcus, -a, -um
shaded, dark
* operiô, operîrî, operuî, opertum *
cover; shut; hide
ôs, ôris, n.
mouth; face
ôra, -ae, f.
boundary; coast; region
palaestra, ae, f.
wrestling place
Pâsithea, ae, f.
one of the three Graces; wife of Somnus
pectus, -oris, n.
breast, chest
* pellô, -ere, pepulî, pulsus *
drive; repulse, rout
piger, pigra, pigrum
reluctant; sluggish, inactive; dull, dejected
* pônô, -ere, posuî, positus *
put, place, set, pitch (camp)
properipês, -pedis
pûpula, -ae, f.
a little girl; a small doll; the pupil of the eye
rabidus, a, um
raging, ravening, frenzied, violent
rabiês, -êî, f.
madness, frenzy
radio (1)
radiate light, beam, shine
* recipiô, -ere, -cêpî, -ceptum *
keep back; receive
recolô, recolere, recoluî, recultum
till again; honor again; recall to mind, think over; consider; resume
reditus, -ûs, m.
a return
relinquô, -ere, relîquî, relictus
leave, leave behind
removeô, -êre, -môvî, -môtum
move back, withdraw; remove
remôtus, a, um
removed, out of the way
* reor, rêrî, ratus *
reckon, think
rursus (rursum) (rarely rûsum)
back, backwards; on the other hand; back again, again
sequor, sequî, secûtus
at the same time
sinô, -ere, sîvî, situs
allow, permit
sinus, -ûs, m.
fold, curve; bosom; bay; tract of remote land
soleô, -êre, solitus sum
be wont, be accustomed
sonipes, -pedis
loud-hoofed; m. steed
sopor, -ôris, m.
(deep) sleep, stupor
stâbulum, -î, n.
stall, stable
stadium, iî or î, n.
furlong; racetrack
* tangô, -ere, tetigî, tâctus *
* ferô, ferre, tulî (archaic tetuli) lâtus *
bear, endure; carry, bring
trepidô (1)
be nervous at; (intrans.) be nervous
tympanum (typanum), -î, n.
vadum, -î, n.
ford, shallows
* vâdô, -ere, vâsî, -vâsus *
go, move, proceed, rush
vagus, a, um
wandering; uncertain
vâstus, -a, -um
waste; vast, huge
vegetus, a, um
vigorous, active, energetic; fresh
velut (or velutî)
just as, as if
vîsô, -ere, vîsî, vîsus
go to see, visit
vîtô (1)
umbra, -ae, f.
shadow, shade