4) Sustaining Ecosystems - TRF Flashcards
what does abiotic mean?
non living parts of an ecosystem
what does biotic mean
living parts of an ecosystem
what is a biome
a large scale ecosystem
what is a carnivore
something that eats meat
what are the circumpolar winds
winds that blow around the poles to move cold air
what is the continental shelf
shallow seas around the edges of continents
what is deforestation
the removal of trees to use the land for something else
what is fauna
animal life
what is flora
plant life
what is herbivore
eats plants and vegetation
what is interdependence
when things rely on each other
what is an omnivore
eats plants and meats
what does temperate mean
not to hot, not too cold climate
what is tundra?
an area that is frozen most of the year but defrosts for some
what is an ecosystem
a unit that includes all the biotic and abiotic parts in an area
what are the three classifications of organisms in an ecosystem
producer, consumer, decomposer
what is a producer
something that uses sun energy to produce food
what is a consumer
an organism that gets energy from eating others
what is a decomposer
gets energy from breaking down materials
what does a food chain show
who eats what
what does a food web show
how different food webs interact
what are the 6 ecosystems
coral reefs grassland tropical rainforest desert polar temperate forest
where are coral reefs found
between 30 degrees north and south of equator
where is grassland found
between the tropics
what are the two types of grassland
temperate and tropical
where are temperate forests found
mid latitudes
between tropics and polar region
where are polar regions found
north and south pole
where is hot desert found
between 15 and 35 degrees north and south of equator
where are TRFs found
around equator, between tropics
what are the two tropics
cancer and capricorn
climate of polar regions (rain, temp, seasons)
very cold, usually less than 10 degrees low rainfall (<500mm) clearly defined seasons
animals in polar regions
relatively few
polar bears, penguins etc
plants in polar region
very few plants
grow slowly and small
climate in hot deserts (rain and temp)
very little rain
extreme temperatures - hot and cold
plants in hot deserts
adaptation of plants in desert
very long roots to reach water
animals in desert
tend to be small
adapted to overcome extreme temps
lizards, snakes, scorpions
climate of tropical grassland
low rainfall
distinct seasons
moderate temp
climate of temperate grassland
extreme temps
not much rainfall
plants in tropical grassland
consist mostly of shrubs and small plants
adapted to cope with not much rain
plants in temperate grassland
mainly grasses and small plants
animals in tropical grassland
lots of insects
grasshoppers, termites, beetles
animals in temperate grassland
not very many
bison and wild horses
conditions for coral reef
warm, lots of light , shallow, salty water
plants in coral reef
few - grow underwater
animals in coral reefs
25% of marine species live there
fish, turtles, shrimp
climate of temperate forests
distinct seasons
very high rainfall
warm summers, cold winters
animals in temperate forests
support lots of mammals, birds and insects
foxes, cuckoos, moths
plants in temperate forests
lots of trees
oaks, brambles, bluebells
what are coniferous trees
evergreen leaves
absorb sunlight all year round
what are deciduous trees
drop leaves in autumn
climate in TRF
hot and wet
no distinct seasons
plants in TRF
mostly evergreens
dense cover of vegetation
four distinct layers
orchids, ferns
animals in TRF
more animals than any other ecosystem
many are camouflaged or nocturnal
jaguar, sloths, snakes
why are animals nocturnal?
to save energy from hot weather to when it is cool at night
what are the four layers in the TRF
forest floor
what is biomass
the mass of living organisms in an area
what is the water cycle in a trf
heavy daily rainfall trees intercept rain some rain reaches ground trees take up water water evaporates from trees via transpiration
what is transpiration
how trees lose water through pores
why are evaporation rates so high in TRF
sun is usually overhead so its normally hot
why is there always such high rainfall
the high evaporation rates mean theres lots of water vapour
why is the soil red?
minerals like iron
nutrients cycle in TRF
trees grow rapidly they shed leaves all year round the leaves decay and decompose into soil nutrients enters soil shallow roots take up nutrients
what is interception
when the leaves of trees catch rain and it doesnt reach forest floor
what is convectional rainfall
when rainforests heat up so water evaporates and forms clouds for the next day
what is evapotranspiration
when trees lose water through pores and it evaporates
what is leaching
when nutrients are washed away from soil
what is surface run off
when excess water flows over soil
where is there the most nutrients in the TRF
what are the three main components of TRF
why is the soil in the trf so low in nutrients
it is quickly taken up by plants etc
how do plants rely on weather
warm and wet climate means they can grow quickly
how do plants rely on soil
holds roots stable
goods provided by rainforest (4)
services provided by rainforest (4)
lungs of planet
maintain water cycle
carbon sink
impact of logging on TRF(2)
the soil gets washed away cos no roots to hold together
interrupted water cycle
impact of agriculture on trf (3)
burning vegetation = more co2
no trees = more water reaching soil
nutrients washed away
impact of mineral extraction on trf (3)
often requires heavy machinery and removal of trees
toxic chemicals used can get washed into river
conflict over land rights
impact of tourism on trf (4)
scare wildlife
damage vegetation
clearing of vegetation to accommodate needs
what is a biosphere reserve
an internationally recognised protected area
what does a biosphere reserve aim to do
combine conservation and sustainable use
what is the name of the biosphere reserve in the amazon
the Central Amazon Conservation Complex
what does the CACC aim to do
protect rainforest
promote scientific research and educate people about environment
what is ecotourism
tourism that minimises damage to environment and benefits locals
what is the name of the ecotourism project in the amazon
Yachana Lodge
what does Yachana Lodge do
employs locals
encourages conservation
make tourists pay and use money for conservation
what is sustainable forestry
balances removal of trees with the conservation of the forest
how big is the amazon
8 million km 2
where is the CACC
how big is the CACC
60000 km2
where is Yachana Lodge
what is the Forest Stewardship Council
marks sustainable wood with logo so customers can buy sustainably
what is Precious Woods Amazon
an organisation that puts limits on logging in Brazil
what is Natutama
a project that is working with the community to protect river species
where is Natutama based
what does Natutama do (3)
employs locals to teach others
fishermen collect data on species
organise cleaning of rivers
what is a cash crop?
a crop grown to be sold for a profit
what is a microclimate?
the climate of a small area
what are services?
the function an area provides
what is slash and burn?
vegetation is cut down and burned to clear an area
what is the parent rock
the upper layers of rock on which the soil forms
what is shifting cultivation?
moving crops to absorb most nutrients
what is biomass?
the total mass of plants and animals in an ecosystem
what is deforestation?
cutting down trees for another purpose
what are hunter gatherers?
nomadic people who move around copllecting food
what is evapo-transpiration?
water being transferred from the leaves to the atmosphere by evaporation
what is infrstructure?
basic structures needed for a society to function
what is litter?
the total amount of organic matter
what is biofuel?
a fuel that comes from living matter
what is a carbon sink?
a natural feature that absorbs carbon from the atmosphere
what is convectional rainfall?
hot air rises, cools and condenses
what is an endemic
plants or animals that are unique to an area
what is hydroelectric power?
energy generated by the rapid movement of water through turbines
what are goods?
an item that people can source from an ecosystem
what is a latosol?
a soil found in TRFs with a high concentration of aluminium or iron oxides