4/12 Flashcards
What are KWL charts?
What are story maps?
Help readers identify the main elements of a story, such as characters, setting, problem, events, and solution.
What are character maps?
Describe traits of characters in the story.
What are graphic organizers?
Help readers identify the problem and solution in a story, along with the events that led to the solution.
What is SQ3R?
Stages of spelling development
- Pre-phonetic stage
- Semi-phonetic stage
- Phonetic stage
- Word extension stage
- Derivational constancy stage
What is Pre-phonetic stage?
Spell using random letters and number strings.
What is semi-phonetic stage?
Some letter-sound relationships are used to spell words.
What is phonetic stage?
Simple words begin to be spelled correctly.
What is word extension stage?
Learn to use syllable patterns to spell more complex words.
What is dericational constancy stage?
Use knowledge of roots and affixes to spell related words.
What is orthography?
Conventional spelling of words in a language.
What is alphabet layer?
Letter- sound relationships.
Ex. Combine letters and letter groups to form words.
What is pattern layer?
Look for larger patterns that guide the spelling of words.
What is meaning layer?
Explores the relationships between word meanings and spellings.
What is cloze reading?
read brief passages containing omitted words. Rely on background knowledge, semantic clues, syntactic clues to determine unknown words.
What is the language experience approach?
Using students own experiences as the topics of literacy experiences.
What is guided reading?
arrange students in flexible groups to meet with each group separately.
What is shared reading experiences?
Read aloud to students using materials like large print books, texts written on chart paper, and projected texts.
What is flexible grouping?
Group students together to accomplish specific instructional goals.
What is shared writing experiences?
Teachers and students collaboratively plan the content of shared writing pieces.
What is DRTA?
Directed Reading Thinking Activity.
Ask questions, make predictions.
What is GIST?
The overall meaning, the core idea, of a spoken or written discourse.
What is phoneme?
They come together to form words, and breaking words down.
What is multimoremic?
Consisting of, or pertaining to, more than one morpheme.