3a. Thorax HAL - Acland Videos Flashcards
where does the SVC bring blood from and where does it take blood into
from upper body -> SVC -> right atrium
where does the IVC bring blood from and where does it take blood into
from lower body -> IVC -> right atrium
the IVC goes through what structure in the chest cavity before it reaches the right atrium
through the diaphragm
the blood from the heart enters the right atrium via what
coronary sinus
when the atrium contracts in diastole the blood passes forwards through what structure to what chamber
right atrio-ventricular valve/tricuspid valve
into the right ventricle
the blood from lungs move into pulmonary veins to get into what chamber
pulmonary veins into the left ventricle
how many pulmonary veins are there and where are they from
4 total
2 from right lung and 2 from left lung
in diastole blood in the left atrium move past what structure and go into what chamber
through left atrioventricular valve/mitral valve
into left ventricle
when blood passes through the mitral valve, the blood flows in what direction in diastole and systole
diastole = into heart from left atrium
systole = out of left ventricle into the aortic arch
how many cusps does the pulmonary and aortic valves have
3 cusps
the dilation in the trunks of the tricuspid valves origins consists of what 3 things
what does their position match
3 bulges known as sinuses
position matches the position of valve cusps
each cusp has a free border that does what with neighbours
closes against neighbors
in diastole the 3 cusps do what
press against each other to meet exactly at one point
inside the aorta above the valve is located what 2 structures
left and right coronary arteries
the pulmonary trunk passes where in relation to the aorta and what does it do when it has passed the aorta
passes back to the left of the aorta and divides into the left and right pulmonary arteries
the right pulmonary artery curves around what structure of the heart and passes where in relation to the aorta and SVC
curves around left atrium
passes behind the root of the aorta and behind the SVC
what does the right pulmonary artery supply
superior lobe of right lung
the ligamentum arteriosum is the remnant of what structure
what did that structure connect
ductus arteriosus
connected pulmonary trunk and aorta in intra-uterine life
the aorta starts to where in relation to the pulmonary trunk and its beginning is hidden by what
starts to the right of the pulmonary trunk
hidden by epicardial fat
where is the right atrial appendage in relation to the aorta, SVC and pulmonary artery
infront of aorta
SVC is to its right
right pulmonary artery is behind it
in the intact body the front of the pericardial sac is attached to the back of the sternum by what
by mediastinal fat
are ventricles mobile in the pericardial sacs
yes freely mobile
what is the pericardium reflected on inferiorly and is it adherent
the diaphragm
yes densely adherent to it
to the right and left the pericardium lies back to back with what
parietal pleura
each of the great vessels pass through what as it enters or leaves the pericardial sac
through adherent cuff of pericardium
the left pulmonary veins and left pulmonary artery pass through the pericardium together - true or false
they pass through separately
the right pulmonary vessel are harder to see as they leave via what structure
what other structure does the right pulmonary vessel share the first structure mentioned above with
leave via a continuous cuff of pericardium that the share with the IVC
within the thorax does the IVC have any length and when does it enter the right atrium
no length at all in thorax
enters the right atrium as soon as it passes through the diaphragm
after the IVC comes up through the diaphragm it passes where in relation to the right atrium
almost immediately into the lower part of the right atrium
the azygous vein arches over what structure before it joins which major vessel of the heart
over the right main bronchus
join SVC
the azygous vein receives blood from what parts of the chest wall
posterior and lateral
what veins empty into the azygous vein from the right side
the posterior intercostal veins
what veins empty into the azygous vein from the left side
what part of the azygous vein does that vessel empty into
posterior intercostal veins
into hemi-azygous which then empties into the azygos
on each side of the subclavian vein it joins which what vessel and where
joins with internal jugular vein
behind the medial end of clavicle
what is formed by the subclavian vein joining the internal jugular vein
brachiocephalic vein
what is the subclavian vein the principle vein of
the upper extremities
what is the internal jugular vein the principle vein of
the head and neck
the 2 brachiocephalic veins enter the thorax and joint to form what
the SVC
the subclavian vein comes up from behind what muscle and passes where in relation to the clavicle
from beneath pectoralis minor
passes beneath the clavicle
what muscle is in front of the jugular vein
omohyoid muscle
the subclavian vein passes over what part of the first rib
the flat anterior part
what muscles separates the subclavian vein from the subclavian artery
anterior scalene muscles
what is beneath the subclavian vein
the dome of the pleura
the internal jugular vein lies where in relation to the common carotid artery
lies in front of the CCA and lateral to it
on each side what 2 vessels join to form the brachiocephalic veins
subclavian and internal jugular veins
the 2 brachiocephalic veins pass down to what behind what structure to form what structure
pass down to the thorax behind the manubrium to join and form the SVC
the SVC lies to the __ of the midline
what is a result of this regarding the right brachiocephalic vein compared to the left brachiocephalic vein
lies to the right of the midline
the right brachiocephalic vein is short and runs downwards while the left is longer and runs obliquely
the SVC passes downwards and enters what structure
enters the pericardial sleeve
to the SVC’s left is what and behind it is what
to its left is the ascending aorta
behind it is the trachea
the SVC ends by doing what
entering the highest part of the hearts right atrium
the azygous vein joins the vena cava from where just before the vena cava does what
from behind just before the vena cava enters the pericardium