371: Medical/Surgical Flashcards
What are the 3 categories of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)?
- Eye opening
- Verbal response
- Motor response
Max score = 15
Lowest score = 3
“Less than 8, intubate”
Entire CBC is suppressed, marked decrease in number of RBCs, WBCs, and platelets
What are the 3 proteins in blood plasma?
- Albumin (58%)
- Globulin (38%)
- Fibrinogen (4%)
What causes a decrease in RBC production?
- Deficient nutrients (iron, B12, folic acid)
- Decreased erythropoietin
- Decreased iron availability
When are packed RBCs administered?
- Severe or symptomatic anemia
- Acute blood loss
1 unit = increased Hb by 10
When are platelets administered?
- Bleeding caused by thrombocytopenia
Platelet = < 10-20 x 109/L
When is albumin administered?
- Helps fluid balance
- Hypovolemic shock
- Hypoaluminemia
When is Fresh frozen plasma administered?
To improve clotting
- Bleeding causes by deficiency of clotting factors (ex. Vitamin K, excess warfarin, hemorrhage, etc)
When is cryoprecipitate administered?
Replaces clotting factors fibrinogen and factor 7
What is the procedure for administering blood products?
- Patient has stable vitals for 30min before administration
- Test dose of 50ml/hr for the first 15min
- Reassess vitals and pt after 15min
- Complete transfusion within 4 hours of removal from storage
- Flush tubing with NS
- Acute reactions may occur up to 6 hours post transfusion
What is a mild allergic reaction to blood products and how would it be managed?
Uticaria (hives), itchiness, or rash in less than 2/3 of body
- Antihistamines or steroid
What is an extensive allergic reaction of blood products and how would it be managed?
Symptoms in love more than 2/3 of body’s surface
- Administer antihistamine or steroid
How would you manage a febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reaction?
- Stop transfusion
- Check vitals, re-check blood product and or ID, notify MD and blood bank
- Administer Tylenol (antipyretic)
- Meperidine (Demerol) 25-50mg IV for severe rigours if no contraindications
How would you manage bacterial sepsis from a blood transfusion?
S/S: rigors, fever, tachycardia, hypotension, n/v, dyspnea, disseminated intravascular coagulation
- STOP Transfusion
- Check vitals, re-check blood product and pt ID, notify MD and Blood Bank, send the blood
- Broad-spectrum antibiotics
How do you manage an Acute Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction?
Incompatible blood, RBC breaking doe. And hemolysis in patient.
S/S: fever, chills, hemoglobinuria, pain, hypotension, n/v, dyspnea, renal failure, DIC
- STOP Transfusion
- Group and Screen
- Urine sample
How would you manage Transfusion-Related Circulatory Overload (TACO)?
S/S: dyspnea, orthopnea, cyanosis, tachycardia, increased venous pressure, and hypertension
- Check vitals, re-check blood product and pt ID, notify MD, notify blood bank and send blood
- Oxygen
- Diuretics
- Chest X-ray
- Additional BW
How would you manage Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI)?
Acute hypoxemja with new bilateral lung infiltrates due to antigen-antibody interactions.
- Check vitals, re-check blood product and pt ID, notify MD, notify blood bank and send blood
- Group and Screen
- Chest X-ray
- Blood gases
- Vasopressors and Respiratory Support