30A Data ho konvite (Dates and invitations) Flashcards
date (used before Portuguese date)
dia hira?
what date?
saa data?
what date?
written invitation
since (time)
when, at the moment when
only, except
Horiseik sira konvida ami baa festa.
Yesterday they invited us to go to a party.
Konvida ema boot sira atu mai haan.
Invite the VIPs to come and eat (now).
Dezde hau sei kiik, ami hela iha Dili.
We have lived in Dili since I was young.
Nia servisu iha Baucau dezde fulan Outubru.
He has been working in Baucau since October.
(Iha) momentu nee
at that time, while, at the moment when
Iha momentu nebaa, ami hanoin katak loron ida Timor sei hetan independénsia.
At that time we thought that one day Timor would gain independence.
Momentu sira haan hela, feto ida tama ba hasoru sira.
As they were eating, a woman came in to see them.’
Momentu militár sira kaer Acito, nia kolega sira hotu-hotu halai.
When the soldiers caught/arrested Acito, all his friends ran away.
Anita lori konvite baa foo Luisa iha uma.
Anita takes an invitation and gives it to Luisa at her home.
Bondia mana Luisa.
Good morning, older sister Luisa.
Bondia, mai tuur tiha.
Good morning, come and have a seat.
Lalika tuur ida! Hau lori deit konvite nee mai foo ba ita.
No need to sit! I’m just bringing this invitation to give to you.
Konvite? Konvite kona ba saida?
An invitation? An invitation for what?
Hau nia maun nia oan atu kaben.
My older brother’s child is about to get married.
Orsida mana lee deit iha konvite nee.
Just read about later it in the invitation later.
Entaun mak nee deit, hau fila ona.
Well, that’s all. I’ll go back now.
Hai, la bele halo hanesan nee.
Hey, don’t act like that!
Tuur hemu buat ruma lai, depois mak baa.
Sit and drink something, then go.
La bele hirus.
Don’t be angry.
Loron seluk mak hau hemu.
Another day I’ll (stay and) drink.
Agora hau sei baa Fatuhada, depois liu ba Comoro.
Now I have to (lit. ‘will’) go to Fatuhada, and then on to Comoro.
Diak, kumprimentus ba ita nia katuas-oan ho labarik sira hotu.
OK. Greetings to your husband and all the children.
Mai mos, la hemu tan buat ida
You came, but didn’t even drink.
Ita hamriik deit
We only stood (didn’t even sit).
Ita koalia deit.
We only talked (didn’t even eat or drink).
Ita la tuur tan.
You didn’t even sit.
La buat ida, sei iha tempu.
No worries, there’s still time (for that in future).
Diak sa! Loron seluk mak hemu.
That’s fine. We’ll have a drink another day.
Ohin saa loron? / Ohin loron saida?
What day is it today?
Ohin Domingu.
Today is Sunday.
Ita moris iha saa tinan? / Ita moris iha tinan saida?
Which year were you born in?
Hau moris iha tinan rihun ida atus sia neen-nulu resin ida.
I was born in 1961.
Ohin dia hira? / Ohin saa data?
What date is it?
Ohin loron sanulu, fulan Maiu.
Today is the 10th of May.
Ohin loron sanulu.
Today is the 10th.
Timor komesa ukun aan iha Segunda, loron rua-nulu, fulan Maiu, tinan rihun rua rua.
Timor started ruling itself on Monday, the 20th of May, 2002.
Hau moris iha loron tolu, fulan haat, tinan rihun ida atus sia sia-nulu resin haat.
I was born on 3rd April, 1994.
Ita moris iha saa data?
What date were you born?
Hau moris iha loron rua, fulan Fevereiru, tinan rihun ida atus sia, hitu- nulu resin haat.
I was born on 2nd February 1974.
Páskua iha tinan ida nee, monu iha fulan saida?
Which month does Easter fall in this year?
Páskua monu iha fulan Marsu.
Easter is in March.
next week
semana oin
next week
semana oin mai
this coming Sunday
Domingu agora
next Sunday (the Sunday after the coming one)
Domingu oin
next Sunday (the Sunday after the coming one)
Domingu oin mai
in two years time
tinan rua oin mai
in two years time
tinan rua mai
last week
semana kotuk
last week
semana liu ba
last Sunday
Domingu liu ba
the Sunday before last
Domingu rua liu ba
two years ago
tinan rua liu ba
Virgilio mak diretór.
It is Virgilio (not anyone else) who is the director.
Abilio mak badinas liu.
It is Abilio who is the most diligent.
Ita la hois kuda! Só karau deit.
We didn’t milk horses! Only cattle.
Hau la hatene Portugés. Só Inglés deit.
I don’t know Portuguese, only English.
Ami hotu-hotu baa tasi ibun. Só Bete deit mak hela.
We all went to the beach except Bete. (Only Bete stayed behind.)
Ita rona ona diretór hotu-hotu nia hanoin. Só Benjamim Martins nia pozisaun deit mak ita la hatene.
We have heard the thoughts of all the directors except Benjamim Martins.