24B Health 1 (Saúde) Flashcards
healthy, well
isin diak
doctor (male / female)
doutór / doutora
have a fever
isin manas
nurse (male / female)
enfermeiru / -a
prescription; recipe
fever-induced shivering
illness-induced cold
isin malirin
pharmacy, private clinic
go for a medical consultation
baa konsulta
contagious, spread to others
be hospitalised
mosquito net
be discharged from hospital
often, always, continually
stab, pierce, give an injection
cause; make; do
kedas, kedan
senti, sente
oppose, transgress, against
so, therefore
nee duni
take medicine
hemu aimoruk
go for a medical check-up or consultation
baa konsulta
malaril fever-induced shivering
isin manas bedoko
an illness-induced feeling of cold.
isin malirin
Some illnesses can spread from one person to another by coughing
Moras balu bele daet hosi ema ida ba ema ida liu hosi mear.
I really did go!
Hau baa duni!
You do indeed have to study!
O tenki estuda duni!
to not hear well
rona la moos
to speak unclearly
(e.g. due to a speech impediment or presenting information in an unclear way)
koalia la moos
to speak Tetun fluently
koalia Tetun moos loos
Rui meets his former school mate.
Rui hasoru nia kolega eskola uluk.
Hi, Armando, good afternoon! I heard that you are ill. Is that true?
Hai, Armando, botardi! Hau rona katak o moras. Loos ka?
It is indeed true. Two months ago, I was very ill.
Loos duni. Iha fulan rua liu ba, hau moras boot.
The doctor said I had to stay in the hospital five days.
Doutór dehan hau tenki baixa iha ospitál loron lima.
Why did you have to be hospitalised?
Tanba saa mak tenki baixa?
Because the doctor said I had malaria. Three crosses.
Tanba doutór dehan hau moras malária. Krús tolu.
Wow! Three crosses, really!?
Aii! Krús tolu kedas ka?
Yes. I shivered with fever, sweated constantly, could hardly eat (lit. ‘ate not well’), kept vomiting.
Sín. Isin manas bedoko, kosar beibeik, haan la diak, muta beibeik.
I took medicine for five days.
Hau hemu aimoruk loron lima.
Now I’m well again.
Agora hau diak ona.
That’s good.
Nee diak.
This work makes me really tired.
Servisu nee halo hau kole la halimar.
This medicine can make you vomit.
Aimoruk nee bele halo ita muta.
The malaria illness kills many children (lit. ‘makes many children die’).
Moras malária halo labarik barak mate.
Mosquitoes can make us get malaria. So we must use mosquito nets.
Susuk bele halo ita hetan moras malária. Nee duni, tenki uza moskiteiru.
He put in lots of sugar, to make this coffee sweet.
Nia tau masin midar barak, hodi halo kafé nee midar.
He feels unwell / unhappy.
Nia senti la diak.
I have a stomach ache / diarrhoea.
Hau senti kabun moras.
He feels happy, because he passed his exams.
Nia senti kontenti, tanba liu ezame.
I feel that this (issue) is very important.
Hau senti katak ida nee importante liu.
I suspect you didn’t go to school today.
Hau senti imi ohin la baa eskola karik.
We must immediately go to hospital, because you have a high temperature.
Ita tenki baa kedas ospitál, tanba o isin manas loos.
When I heard (someone) say my child was ill, I immediately returned home.
Bainhira hau rona dehan hau nia oan moras, hau fila kedas ba uma.
(When) she took the medicine, she was immediately well.
Nia hemu aimoruk nee, diak kedas.
Because we were afraid, we returned to Dili that very night.
Tanba ami tauk, ami fila mai Dili kalan nee kedas.
I’ll go to Hera now, and return this very evening.
Hau baa Hera agora, hau fila kalan nee kedas.
Even in the past, he was big.
Uluk kedas, nia isin boot.
This organisation always opposes the government.
Organizasaun nee sempre kontra governu.
The police arrested him because he broke the immigration law.
Polísia kaer nia tanba nia kontra lei imigrasaun nian.
This child always talks back at / disobeys his father.
Labarik nee kontra beibeik nia aman.
Today Brazil (played football) against Impettu in the Dili stadium.
Ohin Brazíl kontra/hasoru Impettu iha estádiun Dili.
The students yesterday carried out a demonstration against this new regulation.
Estudante sira horiseik halo manifestasaun kontra/hasoru regulamentu foun nee.
We fought against the enemy for twenty four years.
Ami halo funu kontra/hasoru inimigu durante tinan rua-nulu resin haat.
Mr António always speaks against the priest (contradicting what he says, not necessarily to his face).
Katuas António sempre koalia kontra amu lulik.