27A Moris ho mate (Illness and death) Flashcards
isin rua
pregnant (people only)
tuur ahi, partu
have a baby, give birth (people only)
give birth (people only)
live, alive, be born
moris mai
be born
baku fila
overturn, capsize
give birth (to)
rush into, shock
beat, hit
afraid, fear
bother, irritate, tamper with
pray (Christian prayer)
pray (animist prayer)
witchdoctor, traditional healer
mate isin
corpse (human, before burial)
soul, spirit
mate klamar
spirit of the dead
traditional communal event
rai kuak
hole in the ground
grave, cemetery
continue, still
each other
baku malu
Nee ema nian. O la bele book!
This is someone else’s. You can’t touch it.
Bebee komesa book aan.
The baby started to move around (e.g. kick, wave its arms).
lia moris
engagements, marriages and all the associated gatherings and negotiations
all events associated with a death
lia mate
hakoi mate
ore metan
ceremony marking the end of the one-year mourning period
aifunan moruk
the ceremony held one week after a funeral
ai funan midar
two weeks after the funeral
Joana ho Irene hasoru malu iha ospitál, bainhira baa konsulta.
Joana and Irene meet in hospital, while going for a check-up.
Sira nain rua nee isin rua.
The two of them are expecting.
Irene, o fulan hira ona?
Irene, how many months (pregnant) are you?
Agora hau fulan walu ho balu.
I’m eight and a half.
O mai konsulta beibeik ka?
Do you keep coming for check-ups?
Hau mai ful-fulan.
I come every month.
Hau hakarak tuur ahi iha ospitál.
I want to have the baby in hospital.
Hau foin fulan lima.
I’m only five months.
Hau mos mai konsulta beibeik, maibee hau lakohi tuur ahi iha ospitál.
I come for check-ups often too, but I don’t want to have the baby in hospital.
Hau tauk, tanba hau rona dehan, ema barak mate bainhira partu iha ospitál.
I’m afraid, because I hear that many people die when giving birth in hospital.
Tanba nee mak hau hakarak tuur ahi iha uma deit.
That’s why I just want to have the baby at home.
Ai, lalika tauk!
Ah, there’s no need to be afraid!
La iha buat ida.
There’s no problem.
Iha ospitál diak liu, tanba parteira sira sempre mai haree ita.
It’s better in hospital, because the midwives always come and check on us.
Se iha problema karik, sira bele ajuda lalais.
If there are any problems, they can help quickly.
Ami horiseik hasoru malu iha merkadu.
Yesterday we met each other in the market.
Ami hela besik malu.
We live close to each other.
Dulce ho Joana seidauk konhese malu.
Dulce and Joana don’t know each other yet.
Sira koalia ba malu, dehan ‘Nia mate ona.’
They talked to each other, saying ‘He’s died.’
Sira foo osan ba malu.
They gave each other money.
Senhór José mak hanorin hau.
It is Mr José (not anyone else) who teaches me.
Alita mak mate, laos nia biin.
It is Alita who died, not her older sister.
Kinta mak nia baa.
It is next Thursday that she goes (not before then).
Depois mak ami sei bolu fali imi.
It is only after that, that we will summon you again.
Orsida mak hau sei ajuda.
I’ll help later (not now).
Nia moras mak mate.
She died only after being ill. (The implication is that it was the illness that caused her death.)
Ita haan lai, mak baa.
We’ll eat first, and only then will we go.
Hau baa iha nebaa mak foin husu.
I’ll go over there and only then ask. (I won’t ask here now.)
Nia tinan lima lai, mak foin bele baa eskola.
She must be five years old before she can go to school. (She can’t go earlier.)
Ami baa hela iha Portugál mak foin aprende Portugés.
We only learned Portuguese after going to live in Portugal.
He killed himself. (4 variations)
Nia oho nia aan. / Nia oho aan. / Nia oho nia aan rasik. / Nia oho aan rasik.
Hau baku hau nia aan.
I beat myself.
Ami uza kareta nee ba ami nia aan.
We use this car for ourselves (i.e. for private use).
Fransisco foti nia aan hanesan prezidenti.
Fransisco made himself president (nobody appointed him).
Hau tenki hadia aan lai.
I must get ready/dressed/tidied up first.
Sira hela nafatin iha Dili.
They still live in Dili.
Se organizasaun nee hakarak lao ba oin nafatin, tenki servisu hamutuk.
If this organisation wants to continue to advance, we must cooperate.
Ema nee sempre halo sala, maibee hau hadomi nafatin nia.
This person always does wrong, but I still keep loving him.
Reinaldo sei servisu nafatin iha Ministériu Saúde.
Reinaldo is still working at Ministry of Health.
Ami sei uza nafatin sistema ida nee.
We are still using this system.