28A Contente ka tristi (Happy or sad) Flashcards
happy, contented
servisu fatin
work place
happy, joyful
be in difficulty, hardship (noun)
laran susar
upset, grieving, distressed, worried
shout, scream
be quiet, silent
halo favór
love, pity (someone)
la buat ida
it doesn’t matter
hakuak, hakoak
hug, embrace
angry (at)
arbitrarily, without good reason
hate, seek revenge; revenge (noun)
laran moras
upset; jealous (of)
laugh; smile (at)
Lucia, Neca ho Aida, sira nain tolu koalia iha servisu fatin kona ba sira nia xefi.
Lucia, Neca and Aida – the three of them are talking at work about their boss.
Senhora Mira nee, ita haree nia nunka tristi, nunka hirus.
Mrs Mira never looks sad or angry.
Ita sempre haree nia oin kontenti.
She always looks happy.
Maski nia kole mos, nia hamnasa hela deit.
Even when she is tired, she is smiling.
Loos, hau mos haree hanesan nee.
True, I see her that way too.
Yes, but you two didn’t see her and Mrs Amada two days ago in the afternoon – the two of them were shouting at each other here.
Sín, maibee imi nain rua la haree, hori-bainruak lokraik nia ho Senhora Amada, sira nain rua hakilar malu iha nee.
Hau tauk loos!
I was really scared!
Nee ka? Hakilar malu tanba saa?
Is that right? Why did they shout at each other?
See mak hatene?
Who knows?
Maibee horiseik hau haree sira nain rua koalia, hamnasa diak loos.
But yesterday I saw the two of them talking and laughing happily.
Sín, tanba nia la gosta hirus kleur.
Yes, because she doesn’t like staying angry for long.
Nia dehan mai hau, ema nebee hirus beibeik, nia ferik lalais.
She told me that people who are continually angry, grow old quickly.
Hanesan nee mak diak.
That’s the best way.
Ssst! Nonook! Se lae orsida nia hakilar fali ita, tanba koalia beibeik.
Shhh! Be quite! Otherwise she’ll shout at us for talking all the time.
Hau la hatene tein.
I don’t know how to cook.
O bele hirus, maibee lalika hakilar!
You might be angry, but no need to shout!
Ema husu ajuda mos, nia lakohi foo.
Even if/when people ask him for help, he doesn’t give any.
Nia hemu aimoruk mos, nia muta nafatin.
Even though she took medicine, she kept vomiting.
Hau tenki lao deit, maski/biar eskola dook.
I have to walk, even though the school is far away.
Maski nia sala, hau hadomi nia nafatin.
Although he did wrong, I still love him.
Maski nunee, sira lakoi ajuda ami.
Nevertheless, they refused to help us.
Alipio ho Pedro baku malu.
Alipio and Pedro hit each other (we’re not told who started it).
Alipio baku malu ho Pedro.
Alipio and Pedro hit each other (Alipio started it).
Horiseik hau ho Atina hasoru malu.
Yesterday I and Atina met.
Horiseik hau hasoru malu ho Atina.
Yesterday I met with Atina (I initiated it).
Pedro ho Maria, sira nain rua hirus malu.
Pedro and Maria – the two of them are angry at each other.
La kleur, kolega ida naran Mateus, nia telefone mai.
Soon, a friend called Mateus – he’ll ring me/us.
Hau nia maun sira iha Dare nee, sira sempre haruka osan mai.
These older brothers of mine in Dare – they always send me/us money.
Loro-loron koalia koalia, la halo buat ida.
Every day they just talk and talk, and never do anything.
Ami hanorin hanorin, mais sira la rona.
We teach/discipline them over and over, but they don’t listen/obey.
Maun kompriende lian Portugés ka?
Do you understand Portuguese?
Kompriende, kompriende, mais koalia laduun moos.
Sure I understand it, but I don’t speak it well.
Senhór hatene, see mak atu sai diretór foun ka?
Do you know, who is to become the new director?
Hatene, hatene, maibee hau la bele dehan sai.
Sure I know, but I’m not allowed to tell you who it will be.
Hau bele empresta mana nia livru nee ka?
Can I borrow this book of yours?
Bele, bele, maibee keta halo lakon!
Sure you can, but don’t lose it!