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3. Mondays
> 303 Diabetes and endocrinology > Flashcards
303 Diabetes and endocrinology Flashcards
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Study These Flashcards
3. Mondays
(126 decks)
302 The case of the breathless teenager and pathophysiology of asthma
306 Dementia and delirium
306 Bipolar disorder (mania and depression)
306 Psychosis
306 Movement disorders and immobility (Falls)
302 Hallmarks of cancer
302 Cancer genetics
308 Drugs of psychiatric disorders
302 Vaccinology
302 How viruses cause disease
302 Lipid disorders and metabolic syndrome
302 Pathophysiology of complications of hypertension
302 Gut hormones and Obesity
302 osteoporosis pathophysiology
308 Respiratory pharmacology
302 Pathophysiology and genetics of phaeochromocytomas
Imaging and biopsy of cancer
308 NSAID's and opiates pharmacology
Acute kidney injury
Chronic kidney disease (not finished)
302 Encountering evidence
302 Representing risk
302 Pathophysiology of cough, sputum, and haemoptysis and pathogenesis of tuberculosis
302 Chest imaging
302 Calibrating cases
302 The abnormal mammogram
302 Mammography and ultrasound
308 Antiplatelet and antithrombotic drugs
302 1. Haematology (the case of the worried midwife)
302 2. Haematology (the case of the woman who wouldn't stop bleeding)
302 3. Haematology (the case of the nurse asleep on her night shift)
302 Physiology of pain
302 Nuclear medicine
302 Drug allergy
302 Inflammatory (intrinsic) kidney disease
302 Pathophysiology and cytopathology of ascites
302 Interventional radiology
302 Why kidneys fail
302 Multisystem diseases
302 Physiology of tachycardia
302 Cardiac investigations
302 Pathogenesis of AF and other conduction disorders
302 Neurobiology of neurodegenerative and cognitive disorders
302 Brain imaging in cognitive impairment and cognitive reserve
302 Pathophysiology of heart failure
302 Autonomic mechanisms: postural hypotension
302 The effects of alcohol on the brain
302 Delirium: causes outside the brain
302 4. Haematology (the case of the samba drum playing grandmother)
302. 5 Haematology (The case of the woman with weight loss and large abdomen)
302 6. Haematology (the case of the man whose legs didn't work)
302: Genetics of cancer: couselling/ethics
302 Imaging and biopsy in caner (staging and prognosis)
302 Cancer biology: metastasis and prognosis
302 Radiology: contrast risks
302 Ageing cardiovascular system
302 Clinical approaches to motor weakness
302 Neurobiology of multiple sclerosis (not finished)
302 Imaging brain in multiple sclerosis
302 Echocardiography
302 Pathophysiology of ischaemic heart disease and MI
302 Pathophysiology of seizures
304 Liver disease
308 Prescribing in the elderly
308 The safe and effective use of antimicrobials
308 Drugs used in arrhythmias
302 Bacterial pathogenesis and sepsis
302 Pathogenesis of malaria
302 Pathophysiology of headache
302 Viral meningitis and measles
302 Abdominal and pelvic imaging
302 Pathogenesis of diarrhoea and inflammatory bowel disease
302 Histopathology of the GI tract
302 Imaging of the GI tract
304 GI surgery
304 Orthopaedics
304 Urology
304 Breast and endocrine
303 Cardiology (not finished)
302 Introduction to hepatology, liver function tests, and jaundice
302 Histopathology of the liver (hepatitis/cirrhosis)
302 Pathogenesis of viral hepatitis
308 Overdose and poisoning
302 adult presentations of inborn errors of metabolism
302 Discovering, describing and treating monogenic forms of diabetes
304 Perioperative anaesthesia
304 Vascular arterial, venous, and IR
308 Drug handling in pregnancy and breast feeding
308 Drug discovery and development (lecture 1-3)
308 Pharmacology of pain control
308 Safe drug use
306 Personality, eating, and anxiety disorders
306 CAHMS and neurodiversity
302 Applying theories of ageing
302 Physiology of dying
302 Frailty and weight loss/sarcopenia
302 Pathogenesis of cerebellar disease and gait disorders
302 Metabolic response to sepsis/injury and starvation
302 Fluid balance in times of stress
302 Histopathology: autopsy
303 Infectious diseases
303 Renal medicine
303 Respiratory medicine
303 Diabetes and endocrinology
303 Gastroenterology
302 Neurobiology of mental health disorders
302 Pathophysiology of delirium (causes in the brain)
302 Renal function tests and acid-base balance
302 Questions for quality
302 Renin-angiotensin aldosterone system/Conn's syndrome
302 Rigorous reviews
302 Speaking science
302 Histopathology of the lung
302 Banishing bias
302 capturing causes
302 Devising data
308 Sustainable prescribing and medicine waste
308 Drugs in endocrinology and diabetes
308 Practical use of the BNF, prescriptions, and medication error
308 Prescribing IV fluids and blood products
308 Prescribing safety: calculations
308 Evidence-based vs compulsory and alternative therapies
308 Cardiovascular drugs: 1 and 2
308 Decision-making in therapeutics