2nd semester: Motor 1 & 2 Flashcards
characteristic of the receptor activated in an inverse myostatic reflex
located in the tendon
sensory neuron monitors length of the muscle while doing bicep curl
annulospiral endings
motor innervation of nuclear bag and chain
gamma motor endings
tapping the brachiadialis tendon in brachioradialis(supinator) reflex, stimulates which stretch receptor
muscle spindle
a porter is carrying a box for 30 mins, the sensory/afferent neuron affected is primarily monitoring the
tonic length of the muscle
motor descending neural fibers originates mainly from the
frontal lobe
ishemic stroke at the level of the midbrain will result in what posture of the patient
extended upper and lower extremity
cerebellar region mostly concerned with motor learning is
lower motorneuron injury is expected to have
damage to the basal ganglia will manifest as
MRI showed embolus in the anterior cerebral artery. the patient will manifest
weakness of the upper ext and paralysis of the lower ext
tumor in the intermediate lobe of the cerebellum will most likely manifest with
tremors of hand on activity
jake quellen was observed to have jeryky, involuntary contractions of muscles of the shoulder and neck. what is the reason due to his condition?
degeneration of striatum-> disinhibition of striato-pallido external tract-> inhibition of thalamus and globus pallidus interna
a mass compressing the left medial side of the upper midbrain will result in
outward Downward displacement of the left eyeball and right sided paralysis
viral infection like poliomyelitis affecting the anterior horn cells will manifest with
denervation atrophy
juneberrymae suffered an ishemic stroke on her right cerebrum, what is finna gunna happen?
decorticate posture on the left- no broca’s aphasia
decerebrate posture is due to the INTACT ___ tracts.
vestibulospinal and reticulospinal
a mass affecting the right tectal/dorsal surface of the lower midbrain will manifest with inability to move the
left eyeball towards the inferior lateral area
the contraction of the muscles used in pushing a 69-wheeler truck is monitored by
nuclear chain innervated by annulospiral and flowerspray endings
a patient with left bells palsy(viral infection affecting the facial motor nucleaus) will present with paralysis of
Left - upper
Lower - face