1st semester: CVS 5,6 Flashcards
TRUE about the Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RAAS)
A decrease in BP → decrease renal blood flow→ decrease sodium filtrate→ activatino of the macula densa→ stimulation of JG cells→ Renin release
what is the net filtration pressure (NFP) at the VENULAR END based on the given data?
Arteriolar end Venular end
cHP = 25mm/Hg cHP = 23mm/Hg
cOP = 26mm/Hg cOP = 26mm/Hg
iHP = 6mm/Hg iHP = 10mm/Hg
(-)2 → reabsorption
What is stimulated when ABP changes from 90/70mmHg to 120/90mmHg?
Carotid sinus
An effect of angiotensin II?
other effects: Increase BP, Thirsty, Crave for salt → fluid retention mechanisms
Low pressure receptors which detect simultaneous increases in LOW PRESSURE areas of the circulation found in the _________
Pulmonary arteries
An example of ACTIVE HYPEREMIA due to the production of metabolic substances
exercising the muscles for 5 minutes
In cerebral regulation of blood flow, functional recruitment means
increase in BLOOD FLOW on the homonculus representation when a part of the body is utilized
TRUE regarding arterial tone
- Myogenic control: vascular smooth muscles respond to changes in pressure
- Hormonal control: catecholamines affect adrenergic receptors of the vascular smooth muscles
- Neural control: vasoconstriction activated by sympathetic nerves
Structure responsible for the long term mechanism for ABP regulation
one of the instantaneous changes in regulating blood flow that happens in hypertension is
Baroreceptor reflex
TRUE about fetal circulation
Pulmonary circulation is limited due to its high pressure
Effects of angiotensin II
- vasoconstriction
- stimulates hypothalamus and posterior pituitary to release vasopressin
- stimulates adrenal cortex to release aldosterone
Intestinal blood flow is mainly dependent on _____ with _____ as the substance for VASODILATION
metabolic control: adenosine → VASODILATION
Increase in BLOOD VOLUME results to
decreased ADH
Permeable to the blood brain barrier
C02, O2, Glucose
[Ang hindi ay H+]
Blood reaching the LIVER is mostly coming from ____`
venous GIT circulation
____ is directly increased by ADH
It favors filtration and the occurence of edema
Filtration barrier of the kidney permeable to PROTEINS
If a baroreceptor in the aorta detects low blood pressure, results to
TRUE about regulation of blood flow in the CEREBRUM
- blood supply is thru branches of internal carotid and vertebral arteries
- after eating, there is constant blood supply to the cerebrum
- Parasympathetic neurons to the cerebral vessels is thru CN VII
The aortic and carotid chemoreceptors are stimulated by
a reduction of arterial BP to below 80mm/Hg
The blood brain barrier is HIGHLY PERMEABLE to
The intermediate mechanisms for ABP control are
RAAS, Capillary fluid shift, stress relaxation of vasculature
The intermediate mechanism for brainbridge reflex is
artrial reflex → INCREASED heart rate and vasopressin