2010 module exam Flashcards
Which is true during S1?

Cl reabsorption is less than water reabsorption
What stimulates the release of Renin?
- Hypotension
- Dilation of Afferant arteriole
- Hypotension
Which of the following increases the GFR?
- Hypoalbuminemia
- Hypotension
- Hypoalbuminemia
What is the rule of ADH in creating the interstial medullary gradiant?
- Increase the permeability of urea in the collecting duct.
- Activates the NaKCC co-transporter
- Increase the permeability of urea in the collecting duct.
How does ADH increase the single effect ?
Activation of NaKCC co-transporter in Thick ascending lope of henle
A 4th year medical student in 2013 RRB examination was brought to the hospital with the following test results
Ph 7.47 Pco2 25 HCO3 16
What is the problem?
Acute respiratory alkalosis.
What is true about K transport in the proximal tubule?
Renal physiology question: if Px= 1mg/ml Renal plasma flow(RPF)= 550
creatinine clearance =100 Tm of secretion= 80
What is the excretion rate ?
- 180
- 100
- 360
- 420
- 180
Renal physiology question (week 9): Na= 130 glucose= 7 urea=9
measured osmolarity =322
Calculate the osmolar gap?
what stimulates the secretion of H in proximal tubule during Acidosis?
Low intracellular Ph
Which of the following is a charachteristic of aquaporin 1?
Water reabsorption in the proximal tubule
A 53 year old man had an accidental on the base of his skull, which of the following will occur?
- Urine osmolarity increase after administration of subcutaneous ADH (because he had developed neurogenic diabetes insipidus )
- No change in urine osmolarity after administration of subcutaneous ADH
- Increase in serum NA
- Urine osmolarity increase after administration of subcutaneous ADH (because he had developed neurogenic diabetes insipidus)
A patient had developed protienuria, what would be the cause?
- Loss of nephrin in glomerular basement barrier
- Enlargement of pores
- Mesangial contraction
- Loss of nephrin in glomerular basement barrier
What causes high potassium secretion?
Opening of both ROMK + BK channels
Sympathetic stimulation to the kidney will lead to which of the following?
- Induce the release of Renin
- Lower the tone of the efferent arteriole
- Induce the release of Renin
A patient with diarrhea had pH=Low, HCO3=low Co2=low, what is the compensation mechanism?
Decrease in HCO3 will increase CL reabsorption
A study was done to divers to measure the Pco2 in blood after holding their breath for 4-5 minutes, before diving the Pco2 was (37 – 42), after diving the Pco2 (47 – 52), but there was no change in Blood pH, why?
Excess H is being buffered by hemoglobin
In diuresis, medullary interstial osmolarity = 600, what is a contributing factor?
Increase blood flow to vasa recta
Fetal tissue obtain sufficient O2 although pO2 gradient =30?
Because fetal hemoglobin shifts dissociation curve to the left
What structure could be damaged during kidney resection?
Illioinguinal nerve
Uretric bud will give us which of the following structure?
Collecting duct
What supplies the middle aspect of the ureter?
Gonadal artery
What supplies the prostate?
Inferior vesical artery (which gives us the prostatic artery)
What could injured when you ligate uterine artery?
- Tranverse cervical ligament
- Uterovesical vien
- Uterovaginal plexus (anatomy 1, slide 18)
Uterovaginal plexus (anatomy 1, slide 18)
Union of major calyces
Renal pelvis
Part of the cortex reaching the medulla
Renal columns
What secretes renin?
Juxtaglomeruler cells
What creates the hypertonicity in medullary interstiam?
Loop of henle
Which nerve gives sympatahtic innervations for micturation?
Lumbar sphlencnic
What is the origin of the median umbilical ligament?
A 10 year old boy presented with protienuria more than 6mg, he had periorbital edema, and the histological appearance was normal, what will you find in the ultra structure?
Diffuse effacement of foot processes
What prevents asceinding of the kidney?
inferior mesenstric artery
What is a characteristic of post-strep glomerulonephritis?
Neutrophil infiltration in the capillary loop
45 year old male with disturbance in bowel motion and hypokalemia?( we will have hypokalemia in a,b,and c, but with purgative abuse the patient will have an increase in bowel motion)
- Purgative abuse
- Villous adenoma at the rectum
- Cushing syndrome
- Liver cirrhosis
- Purgative abuse
Patient with ascites and hyponatremia?
Liver cirrhosis
Histology slide shows a prostatic tissue near to the normal appearance , what is the gleason grade?
Grade 1
A patient with gleason score= 10, what does it indicate?
Poorly differentiated prostatic tissue
Damage to foot process?
Minimal change disease
A case about a patient on analgesics for 10 years
Lymphocytic infiltration
A patient had bacteria in his urine, which of the following is a typical finding?
Neutrophil infiltration
Patient on antibiotic for 3 days, developed acute renal failure ?
ATN- Eisonophillic infiltration
Bilateral clear cell carcinoma is associated with which syndrome?
Von hippel lindu
Triphosphate stones are found in which type of stones?
Staghorn stones
What lies in the level of L1?
What increases the cardiac output?
Increased stroke volume
What is the characteristic of proximal renal tubular acidodsis ?
No reabsorption of HCO3
What characterize a benign lesion and a cyst in the kidney?
Homogenous composition in Ultra sound
A 45 year old Kuwaiti smoker with hypercholesterolemia and hypertension developed ESRF(end stage renal failure), which of the following risk factors highly predisposed this patient to develop end stage renal failure?
- Hypertension
- Smoking
- Age
- Hypertension
What is the most imp modifiable risk factor of ESRF?
A patient developed acute renal failure because of alteration in intraglomerular hemodynamics?
Declonphic (NSAID)
A patient developed acute interstial nephritis with crystal formation?
How do we evaluate urethral stricture?
Ascending urethrography
What is the diagnostic way of taking a urine sample of mycobacterium tuberculosis?
Early morning urine 3 constitutive days
A pregnant women on antenatal care appointment with normal urine analysis but culture of e.coli is positive
Asymptomatic UTI
We took midstream urine for analysis which one is bacteruria significant?
- ↑ 10^5 for e.coli only
- ↑10^5 for e.coli + klebsiella
- ↑ 10^5 for e.coli only
Mechanism of action of thiazide ?
Inhibit NaCl co-transporter(symporter)
What drug causes hyperkalemia?
Best imaging for recurrent renal colic?
Patient with water retention and hyponatremia?
Nephrotic syndrome
How would an inborn error in transport of bi-phasic amino acid manifest?
Microscopic examination showed hylanization of both afferent and efferent arteriols?
Diabetic neuropathy
What is the most common zone for benign prostatic hyperplasia?
Which drug causes testicular atrophy?
Bladder dilatation and muscular wall hypertrophy?
Bladder diverticulitis
A patient with metabolic acidosis and have high osmolar urine gap?
Methanol poisoning
If we have failure of fusion of the renal vesicles and the collecting system?
Polycystic kidney
A 50 years old patient presented with linear deposition of ANTI GBM and hemoptysis ?
Which of the following diseases will have subepithelial deposit in ultrastructure?
Membrenous GN
Organize the following substances according to their clearance from the lowest to the highest
Glucose, creatinine, and then PAH
A patient presented with bladder wall and diverticuli, what most likely would be the cause?
Urethral block
Which of the following is 50% inulin clearance?
Which of the following is correct about RTA?
Distal RTA causes stone formation