2009 module exam Flashcards
Midway between transpyloric plane and intertubercular planes
Lower pole
5 cm from midline on L1 vertebra spinous process
Hilum of kidney
Surgery of the posterior surface of the kidney may affect
Ilioinguinal nerve
A 25-year-old female with UTI. What is the disposing factor?
Short urethra
Which acts as a physical barrier?
Lamina densa of basal lamina
What establish the gradient of hypertonicity?
Loop of henle
What forms the macula densa?
What is the Renal Blood Flow if RPF = 600, and plasma is 60%
1000 ml
What is RPF when creatinine clearance is 90 and normal FF?
450 ml
Podocytes are derived from which layer?
Visceral epithelial layer
What is mesangial contraction decrease?
Surface area
What normally don’t affect filtration?
Hydrolic conduction
Clearance of a substance calculation with Tm for secretion Q
What does fractional excretion above 1 indicate?
Substance filtered and secreted
A patient with lung crackles, dyspnea, chest pain, low blood pressure, heart sound S3 is heard. Creatinine levels were 190. What do we do next?
Urine Na+ level
A patient ingested ethylene glycol
Necrosis of proximal tubules (nephrotoxic ATN)
A patient with traffic accident developed hemorrhage and shock
Renal cortical necrosis
A patient with severe dehydration
Necrosis of any part of the nephron (ischemic ATN)
A patient with 3 days history of antibiotic usage
Eosinophils infiltration (hypersensitivy interstitial nephritis)
A patient with 10 years of NSAIDs usage developed
Lymphocytic infiltration (analgesic nephropathy)
Another question on analgesic nephropathy: associated with?
Lymphocytic infiltration
NSAIDs can cause nephrotoxicity and acute renal failure by:
Alteration of intraglomerular dynamics
Which drug is associated with ARF with renal artery stenosis?
Which drug causes ATN with hepatic failure?
Endogenous immune complex
Membranous GN (doctor 9ala7 ygoul this is the answer, even though kan ako bele5tiyarat “cresentic GN” elle ehya elmfroo’9 tkon elejaba el9a7 la2ana anti-GBM disease ohwa eljawab, bs I don’t know lil amana :/)
A 7-year-old child with nephrotic syndrome and normal histology
Fusion of foot cell processes
Foot process fusion
Minimal change disease
Pathogenesis of membranous GN
Complement activation
What is a characteristic of diabetic glomerulosclerosis?
Kimmelstein Wilson lesion
Deposition of C3 in peripheral GBM as humps
Post-infectious GN
A patient with mesangial and endocapillary proliferation
Lupus nephritis
What is mostly seen in post infectious GN?
Neutrophilic infiltration in capillary loops
What is the most common risk factor of ESRD in Kuwait?
What is the Relative Risk of CVD deaths due to dialysis in ESRD?
> 10
Which of the following occur in PCT?
80% reabsorption of HCO3-
What is the mechanism of reabsorption of HCO3- in PCT S1?
Na-H exchanger
Paracellular reabsorption of solutes in water
Solvent drag
A patient increased his Na+ intake by 140 mEq/L. What is supposed to happen?
Increase water intake by 1 Kg
A patient with low RBF, slightly changed GFR and increased FF. what is the cause?
Angiotensin II
Which hormone is stimulated in volume expansion?
Decreased levels of NaCl to macula densa causes
- Afferent arteriole dilatation
- Afferent arteriole constriction
- Afferent arteriole dilatation
A 60-year-old patient underwent nephrectomy because of acute renal failure. After doing the surgery is GFR was 53, a year later it became 49. What is the reason behind that?
Chronic renal disease
Dysfunction of podocytes
Failure of ureteric bud to contact the metanephric mesenchyme
Kidney agenesis
What structure develops from the ureteric bud?
Collecting duct
Failure of connection between renal vesicles and collecting system
Polycystic kidney
Two ureters in one kidney because of partial ureteric buds
- Bifid ureter
- Double ureter
- Ureter duplication
- Ureter duplication (kilhom kanaw mawjodeen m3na kilhom elmfrooth the same, bs this is the right answer for sure :/)
What Increases AQP-2 in luminal cells?
Increase ADH secretion
What increases renin?
Decrease afferent arteriolar pressure
What decreases ANP?
Decrease stretch of atrial receptors
What causes low ADH secretion?
What causes low medullary interstitium osmolarity?
Low levels of urea transporter 1
How is the ability of concentrating urine increased?
By reducing blood flow to vasa recta
Which drug causes hyperglycemia?
Which diuretic causes testicular atrophy?
Which drug is used to preserve K with other diuretics?
Which drug inhibits stone formation?
Which cation is highest in ECF?
What causes hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis with normal Anion Gap?
A patient with hypernatremia, urine osmolarity is less than 300
Diabetes insipidus
Non-responsive to post-vasopressin with urine osmolarity 200
Complete nephrogenic DI
Same person, later develops uremia and high creatinine
Acute renal failure (m3na elmfrooth with diabetes ay sha59 y7ooshah chronic renal failure, bs this is the answer, shlon? Madri :/)
A patient eats 1000 mEq/L K+. After half an hour we the K level and it equals 5 which is normal. What is the reason?
Transcellular movement of K across the cells
What stimulates NaHCO3 reabsorption in a volume depleted patient?
Angiotensin II
What is the highest ADH stimulant?
Exercise in the heat with no water
Median umbilical ligament is developed from
A malnourished patient cannot secrete NH4. When given I.V. phosphate solution he could. How?
Lack of phosphate prevents acidification of urine
A direct clearance question calculation
A medical student during his final exam. His Ph = 7.47, CO2 = 22, HCO3 = 21.
Acute respiratory alkalosis
Patient with pH = 7.45, HCO3- = 30, CO2 = 45
Metabolic alkalosis with respiratory compensation
There were two questions on metabolic acidosis and the way of the kidney to compensate, one of them was by increasing HCO-3 synthesis while the other one was by secreting more NH4 than normal. But we don’t remember the questions
A patient with left loin pain. X-ray showed kidney stones, what would be typically be?
Calcium oxalate
A patient with struvite stones with alkaline urine. What enzyme forms the stones?
Bacterial urease
Which drug decrease the formation of uric acid stones?
What is the cause of metabolic disorder that cause cystinuria?
Defective amino acid transport
A patient with abdominal pain recurrent of 3 years with high urine calcium
Kidney stones
Metabolic disorder of lysine/cysteine/arginine will cause formation of which type of stones?
Cysteine stones
What is the most common cause of community UTI?
When do you take a specimen for Schistosoma UTI?
Terminal portion of urine
A 6-year-old patient with unilateral hydronephrosis and hydroureter
Vesicoureteral reflux
What is the most common congenital anomaly in children?
Vesicoureteral reflux
How do we evaluate urethral stricture?
Ascending urethrography
A 23-year-old female with hypertension, what is the first modality of diagnosis?
What is the first modality in diagnosing a 60-year-old man with prostatit hyperplasia?
What is formed by the mesonephric duct?
Ductus deferens
How is renin released by sympathetics?
B agonists
A 60-year-old patient smoker with hemoptysis and rapidly progressive renal dysfunction
A 76-year-old man with paraplegia. What would cause UTI?
Neurogenic bladder
Hyperplasia of which part of the prostate will lead to urinary obstruction?
Which represents reaction to secretion from ruptured prostatic glands?
145- obstruction?
Granulomatous prostatitis
Hyperplasia of stromal and epithelial cells
Nodular prostatic hyperplasia
Which grade shows no glandular differentiation but with solid sheets and nests of tumors with central necrosis in Gleason
Grade 5
A Gleason score of 5 would show you
What’s in grade 2 and 3 because the gleason score is the total of the two nearest grades for the tumor, so it would be showing us a well differentiated tumor…
A patient with enlarged prostate but normal PSA
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
In volume depletion, alpha intercalated cells will work under the effect of?
A patient with history of recurrent UTI with leukocytes expressed in the prostatic secretions
Chronic bacterial prostatitis
What happens in the early distal tubule?
Na-Cl symporter
Why there is no glucose in urine normally?
Because the filtered load is lower the Tm for glucose