2 - Health and Safety Flashcards
What is the main RICS safety guidance note?
Surveying Safely
Can you explain some of the content of Surveying Safely?
- Sets out basic, good practice principles for management of H&S by members and firms in their work.
- Safe Person Concept - Individual responsibility for their own, their colleagues’ and others’ health and safety while at work.
- Assessing hazards and risks - Dynamic risk assessment
- Members’ places of work - These can vary massively
- Occupational Health and Hygiene - Stress, bullying
- Visiting Site - Risk assessment, lone working etc.
- Fire Safety - General fire safety advice
- Procurement and management of contractors
Name two guidance notes related to Safety
- Surveying Safely
- Asbestos
What does Surveying Safely contain?
- Safe Person Concept
- Risk assessment principles
- Employer’s Place of Work
- Managing Contractors
- Fire safety
- House picture with asbestos
What is included within the Asbestos guidance note?
- Detail on asbestos
- Examples of where found (diagram)
- Appendix A - list of types and where found
- Appendix B - List of scenarios and who the duty holders would be
When is a project Notifiable
- More than 30 days AND more than 20 people working on site at any time
- More than 500 person days
Name some Client duties
- Provide sufficient time and resource
- Appoint the PD and ensure that they are aware of their role
- Provide welfare
- Cooperate with PD and all parties
- Provide preconstruction information to PD
- Notify the HSE via the F10
Name some Principal Designer Duties
- Plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety in the precon phase
- Provide H&S file to Client
- Liaise with Client to obtain Precon information
- Liaise with PC to keep them informed of risks
- Work with others
Name some Principal Contractor Duties
- Plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety in the Construction phase
- Prepare a CPP
- Liaise with Client and PC
- Consult and engage with workers
- Provide site specific inductions
- Prevent unauthorised access to site
- Check people have skills, knowledge, experience and capacity to undertake works
What are the COSHH regulations? What year?
- COSHH 2002
- Duty on employers to ensure that they control manage the handling of substances
What are the WAH regulations? What year?
- 2005
- Duty on employers to make sure WAH is planned, supervised and carried out by competent people.
- Risk assessment
What are the LOLER regulations? What year?
- 1998
- Lifting Operations Lifting Equipment Regs
- Must be planned, managed and undertaken by competent people
- Equipment must be maintained, regularly tested and labelled as certified
- Keep inspection records and records of defects
What are the PUWER regulations? What year?
- 1998
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment regulations
- Must be planned, managed and undertaken by competent people
- Equipment must be maintained and certified/tested regularly
- Records kept
What is RIDDOR? What year?
- 2013
- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
- Requires reports to go to the HSE for specific events and incidents
What are the RIDDOR reporting requirements?
- Any of the example incidents such as fractures, breaks, crushing, chain hoist snap, overturned plant
- Anything that results in being off work for 7 days
- Must be reported within 10 days of incident, but can be extended to 15 days if this is longer than 7 days in hospital
What does ESEAP stand for?
- Eliminate
- Substitute
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
What are the 5 principles of the Considerate Contractors Scheme?
1) Appearance
2) Community
3) Environment
4) Safety
5) Value Workforce
What are the three types of asbestos
- Crocidolite (Blue)
- Amosite (Brown)
- Chrysotile (White)
What is COAR? What year?
- Control of asbestos regulations
- 2012
What duties are set out under COAR?
- Duty to manage and control asbestos via an Asbestos Management Plan
- Management Survey
- Demolition and Refurbishment survey
- Asbestos awareness training
- Repair/remove it if required
Explain the different types of work involved with Asbestos?
- Licensed Notifiable - 14 day advanced warning
- Unlicensed Notifiable - Any time before works
- Unlicensed Not Notifiable - Not required
What pieces of legislation are there related to Fire safety in your industry?
- Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
- Approved Document Part B
What does the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 require?
- Responsible person to undertake risk assessment
- Put things in place to mitigate identified risks
- Communicate to staff
- Maintain fire fighting equipment
- Provide emergency plans
- Train staff
When was asbestos banned in the UK
- Crocidolite and Amosite in 1985
- Chrysotile in 1999
What are the key principles of the HASAW 1974?
- Ensuring employees’ health, safety, and welfare at work
- Protecting non-employees against the health and safety risks arising from work activities
- Controlling the keeping and use of explosive or highly flammable or dangerous substances
As far as reasonably practicable!
What is the Joint Fire Code?
- Set of good practice principles published for the management of fire safety on site through design and construction phase.
- Published by Fire Protection Association and lots of insurers
- Key for a lot of insurance provisions in contracts
- Any project over £2.5m