1.3c How effective was the Soviet's use of culture and the arts? Flashcards
When was the Prolekult?
What was prolekult?
A deliberate challenge to high culture by the government
What was used as incentives at Prolekult festivals?
Extra rations
What was the Prolekult magazine?
Smithy - contained poems about factories and machines
Define constructivists
a key strand of the Prolekult culture who focused on the worker and industrial technology
Define Avant Garde
Experimental art following WW1
When was the Avant Garde period?
Just after WW1
Why was Avant Garde not well suited to the Russian peasants?
They couldn’t understand it
Give an example of Avant GArde being too advanced for Russian peasants
Mystery Bouffe was cancelled after 1 performance because it was so confusing
Give an example of an artist who started creating propaganda for the Government
When was the Cultural Revolution?
What was the Cultural Revolution
An attempt to sweep away old Bourgeois elements of society
What was the slogan of the Cultural Revolution?
Boy meets Girl meets Tractor
What was the ‘cult of the little man’?
Glorification of workers achievements
What was Komsomol?
the Communist youth organisation used to root out Bourgeois elements
What is RAPP?
Russian Association of Proletarian Culture
What did RAPP do?
Attacked experimental artists and encouraged cultural activities in factories
When was the period of Socialist Realism?
1930s - 1950s
What was Socialist Realism?
Presenting idealistic images as Socialist life
As part of Socialist realism, what film was produced?
‘October’ depicting the October Revolution