1.3.2 - Externalities Flashcards
What Happens At Free Market Equilibrium?
There is efficient allocation of scarce resources.
Describe Private Costs (PC)
(2 Points)
~ Costs of production for a producer.
~ MPC -> Marginal private cost, extra cost when producing one more unit.
Describe External Costs (EC)
Costs to 3rd parties, people who are not involved in the economic activity.
Describe Social Costs (SC)
(2 Points)
~ PC + EC = SC.
~ In a free market which is being AE, we assume that there are not EC, which is why S = MPC = MSC.
Describe Private Benefits (PB)
(2 Points)
~ Individual consumer benefits, when consumers are consuming something.
~ MPB -> Marginal private benefit, extra benefit consumers get when they consume one more unit.
Describe External Benefits (EB)
Any impact on 3rd parties as a result of consumption.
Describe Social Benefits (SB)
(2 Points)
~ PB + EB = SB.
~ In a free market which is being AE, we assume that there are no externalities in consumption, which is why D = MPB = MSB.
What Occurs When MSC = MSB?
Social optimum.
What Occurs When MPC = MPB?
Private optimum.
What Can We See If AE Is Occurring?
(3 Points)
~ Maximisation of society surplus, where CS + PS are the greatest they can be.
~ Maximisation of net social benefit, where MSB = MSC assuming there are no EB/C. Any point beyond Q* social costs will be higher than social benefit.
~ Where resources perfectly follow consumer demand, no surplus or shortages, no excess supply or demand.
What Are Assumptions We Make With AE?
(5 Points)
~ Many buyers and sellers.
~ Perfect information.
~ No barrier to entry.
~ Firms profit max.
~ Consumers utility max.