12b: Limbic System Flashcards
Limbic system is collection of structures in (telen/dien/mesen)-cephalon.
All tree
Functionally, all limbic system structures are implicated in experience or (X) of (Y).
X = expression Y = emotion
Limbic lobe is composed of (telen/dien/mesen)-cephalic structures.
The limbic lobe “borders” which ventricular structure?
Foramen of monro
The (X) structures of the limbic lobe are the (oldest/newest) cortical areas to emerge. List them.
- Allocortex
- Periallocortex
- Proisocortex
Allocortical structures of limbic (lobe/system) have (X) number of layers. List these structures.
X = 3
- Hippocampus
- Primary olfactory cortex
Periallocortex structures of limbic (lobe/system) have (X) number of layers. List these structures.
X = 4-5
- Entorhinal cortex
- Parahippocampal gyrus
- Cingulate cortex
- Orbitofrontal cortex
The Proisocortex surrounds (X) and has (Y) number of layers. It contains the same structures as (Z), but the portions adjacent to (neocortex/ventricles).
X = Z = periallocortex
Y = 5
List the subcortical structures of the limbic system. These are (telen/dien/mesen)-cephalic structures.
- Amygdala
- Basal forebrain (cholinergic nuclei)
The basal forebrain is part of the (telen/dien/mesen)-cephalic structures of limbic system. It includes which nuclei?
- Septal nuclei
- Diagonal band nuclei
- Nucleus basalis
List diencephalic components of limbic system, which have variety of (afferent/efferent) connections with telencephalic limbic lobe.
- Hypothalamus (all nuclei)
- Thalamus (anterior and MD nuclei)
- Epithalamus (habenular nuclei)
List mesencephalic components of limbic system, collectively called (X).
X = limbic midbrain areas (LMA)
Olfactory receptor axons terminate on second-order (X) cells, which then project to (Y) via (Z) tract.
X = mitral Y = primary olfactory cortex Z = lateral olfactory tract
Axons of primary olfactory cortex project to (X).
X = amygdala and entorhinal cortex
T/F: Multimodal association areas project into the limbic system.
The largest area/lobe containing multimodal association areas is:
Prefrontal cortex
Lesions to (X) structure seems to affect “appropriateness” of (Y) responses and “associative learning”
X = amygdala Y = emotional
Give an example of problem with sensory-sensory association, a symptom of lesion to (X).
X = amygdala
Inability to associate visual appearance of ball with its somesthetic feel
Lesion to (X) causes Kluver-Bucy syndrome.
X = amygdala
The amygdala receives afferent input from which sensory modalities? Via which structures, respectively?
- Sensory association cortices (vision, audition, somatic)
- Parabrachial nucleus in pons (taste/visceral)
- Primary olfactory cortex (olfaction)
Amygdala receives afferent input from which telencephalic structures of limbic system?
- Basal forebrain
- Orbitofrontal cortex
- Entorhinal cortex/hippocampus
Amygdala receives afferent information about sexual drive from which structure?
(Like/unlike) striatum, amygdala receives (minimal/massive) input from entire cerebral cortex.
Like; massive
(Like/unlike) striatum, amygdala sends output to (X) nucleus of thalamus.
X = MD
Amygdala sends efferent projections to (anterior/posterior/medial/lateral) hypothalamus via which pathways? Star the longest one.
- Medial hypothalamus via Stria terminalis*
2. Lateral hypothalamus via Ventral Amygdalofugal pathway
Stria terminalis pathway from (X) to (Y) follows the shape of which structure?
X = amygdala Y = medial hypothalamus
Ventral Amygdalofugal (VAF) pathway from (X) to (Y) travels (ventrally/dorsally) and gives off fibers that project to (Z).
X = amygdala
Y = lateral hypothalamus;
Z = MD thalamus and basal forebrain
Aside from basal forebrain and hypothalamus, the amygdala has efferents to which cortices.
- Prefrontal
- Entorhinal (then hippocampus)
- Sensory association cortices
Patient carries perfectly normal conversation one moment, but forgets the content/occurrence of the conversation a mere 5 min later. This is sign of damage to:
Damage to hippocampus likely present with (retrograde/anterograde) amnesia.