11b: Cerebellum Flashcards
Cerebellum gives rise to (X) descending motor pathway.
Doesn’t give rise to any descending motor pathways
Embryologically, the cerebellum is a (sensory/motor) structure, derived from (X).
X = alar plate
Does cerebellar damage causes paralysis/paresis? Why/why not?
No - no direct connection with alpha/gamma MN
(X) fissure of cerebellum separates which lobes? Star the largest.
X = primary;
Anterior and posterior*
The flocculonodular lobe is (rostral/caudal) to and partly covered by (X) lobe.
X = posterior
Archicerebellum consists of (X) and is concerned with (Y).
X = flocculonodular lobe Y = maintaining equilibrium and adjusting anti-gravity muscles during movement
Paleocerebellum consists of (X) and is concerned with (Y).
X = anterior lobe and vermis Y = postural reflexes
Neocerebellum consists of (X) and is concerned with (Y).
X = posterior lobe Y = smoothing fine voluntary movements (of distal musculature)
Archicerebellum has connections with:
- Vestibular nuclei
2. Reticular formation
Paleocerebellum has connections with:
- Red nucleus
- Spincocerebellar system
- Olivocerebellar system
Neocerebellum has connections with:
Entire cerebral cortex (via pons) and motor cortex (via thalamus)
Cerebellar function is (ipsi/contra/bi)-lateral. And its afferent inputs are (ipsi/contra/bi)-lateral.
Ipsilateral; ipsilateral
Cerebellar projections (do/don’t) cross midline to influence motor cortex.
Cerebellar projections (do/don’t) cross midline to influence reticular formation.
Cerebellar projections (do/don’t) cross midline to influence tectum.
Cerebellar projections (do/don’t) cross midline to influence red nucleus.
Cerebellar projections (do/don’t) cross midline to influence vestibular nuclei.
Cerebellar cortex is composed of (X) number of layers with (Y) different cell types.
X = 3 Y = 5
Deepest cerebellar layer is the (X), composed of (loosely/densely) packed (Y) cells.
X = granular cell layer
Y = granule cells
List the excitatory neurons of the cerebellar cortex.
Only granule cells
The granule cells send their axons to (X), where the axons branch and run through (Y) layer as (Z).
X = Y = Molecular layer of cerebellum Z = parallel fibers
Most superficial layer of cerebellum.
Molecular layer
Parallel fibers are axons that belong to which cells?
Granule cells
List the cell layers of the cerebellum, from deep to superficial.
- Granular cell layer
- Purkinjie cell layer
- Molecular cell layer
(X) cell layer of cerebellum has (loosely/densely) packed (Y) cells, which are the principal projection neurons of cerebellar cortex.
X = Y = purkinjie;