124 changes in working practices Flashcards
flexible working definition
relates to working arrangements where there are a variety if options offered to employees in terms of working times , working location and the pattern of working eg. part time , zero hour contracts, job sharing ext
describe part time staff
work a reduced amount of hours
flexible hours
employee chooses when to start and end work (within agreed limits), but has to work ‘core’ hours eg.10am-4pm everyday
zero hour contacts
employee has to be aviaries for work but is not guaranteed any work - employer total flexibility
- employees may be given full work or no work depending on demand
home working
by computer ext , work from home
hot desking
employee has no fixed work space
they share communal composure and desks instead of being individually allocated to a workstation
reduces need for office space
temporary staff
people who are employed for a limited period
pros and cons of temporary staff
(+) no longer have to be employed once demand falls, and can be hired when required eg, cover maternity leave , costs may be lower as they don’t receive the same benefits as permanent workers
(-) less reliable than permanent staff , less motivated , more likely to leave
job sharing
two people share the same job (50-50 spilt often) . lefts professional workers continue in employment when otherwise they may have had to take a career break eg,manes mothers , through job sharing , can combine work with brining up children