111 product Flashcards
what is a product
any good or service offered to sale to customers
goods - physical products eg. cars
services - non physical items eg.hairdressers
what is product portfolio
the mix of products the business produces and sells
reasons for having a product portfolio
- spreads risk -they get enough working capital so they can pay tax/debt-business stays afloat
- allows multiple segments to be targeted -saves money on advertising-offer products that satisfies everyone leading to more sales and maximised profit
drawbacks of having a product portfolio
- depends on amount of capital a business has available -because if they don’t have enough working capital, and decide to produce a lot of products , they would be in debt
- depends on actions of competitors -if competitors already have strong brand loyalty in the segments the business is trying to expand into- wasted expenses
what is a brand
- a brand is a name , design ext that identifies a good or service as distinct from other goods
(+)/(-) of a brand
(+) can increase elasticity of demand-greater control over pricing strategies, increased customer loyalty-good for competitive business , product is more recognised-easier to buy
(-) high cost of advertising- brands must constantly be kept on the consumer’s eye , high cost of research and development
what is a unique selling point
consists of features that can be used to separate the product from the competition
what Is differentiation
how the business makes it’s products different from the competition eg. eco-packaging
what is the product lifecycle
- represents the different stages in the life of a product and the sales that are achieved at each stage
what is an extension strategy
a strategy used to prolong the product life cycle , and prevents products going into decline. includes:
-targeting a new market eg.international
-relaunching product-aiming at different segment -promotion ext
evaluate the impact of extension strategies on a business
- brand imagine and awareness continue to be strong as customer needs are being met -> this depends on weather there is still demand for that product , and on competition-if they work quicker than you it won’t be as popular
- sales and profit stay at their peak, these can be reinvested into other areas of the business. -> this depends on the quality of the market research
relationship between product life cycle and cash flow
(p84 on component one book)
advantages of using the product life cycle
-it helps with planning, marketing managers can check which stage they’re currently in and make changes to their marketing strategies, and helps them manage their product portfolio, know when they need to launch new products as the others go Into decline
-helps managers plan for problems at different stages, by analysing similar products-avoid making mistakes that lead to lower sales
disadvantages of using the product life cycle
-a fall in sales might not mean the product is entering decline-other external factors might have caused it
-not every product follows the same pattern
what is the Boston Matrix
-helps companies to analyse their products and categorise them -> helps with decisions about promotion or discontinuing
-products are catogised into question marks , cash cows, stars and dogs