120.1 Pitchess - Discovery Manual Flashcards
Generally, the exclusive means by which a peace officer’s personnel records can be disclosed (other than by his / her own authorization) is by what is commonly known as a ______.
a. 1538.5 PC Motion
b. Discovery Motion
c. In camera Hearing
d. Pitchess Motion
D. Pitches Motion
A Pitchess Motion is a legal process which ______ the defense from attempting to obtain peace officer personnel records or information contained therein.
Pitchess information______ include complaints concerning the officer’s alleged use of excessive force or propensity for racial / ethnic prejudice, fabrication of charges, illegal search and seizure, false arrest / imprisonment, etc. Any information released by the court is used as a defense technique by the defendant.
Penal Code Section 832.5 (Annex B) requires, that any agency employing peace officers establish procedures for investigating citizen complaints and make those procedures available to the public. This Section also requires that investigative reports be retained for ___ years.
5 years
True or False:
Where a district attorney does not have a court ordered authorization, he/she need only be duly investigating the conduct of a peace officer or police agency when lawfully obtaining access to the personnel records of a peace officer under the provisions of Penal Code Section 832.7.
Evidence Code Section 1047 prohibits disclosure of the records of peace officers who were ___ during the arrest or who had no contact with the individual seeking disclosure from the time of arrest-through the booking process.
a. Present
b. Not present
c. Involved
d. Not involved
B. Not present
True or False:
Case law has held that only names, addresses, telephone numbers, persons who have made complaints against an Officer and / or persons interviewed in connection with complaints are discoverable through a Pitchess Motion.
Service of the motion (to seek personnel records) ______ not be accepted at the Area office, only at the Legal Coordination Unit (LCU)
True or False:
When the motion is received in LCU, it will be reviewed to ensure it meets all of the requirements of Evidence Code Section 1043. If the motion is proper, LCU will notify the Officer(s) whose records are sought of the filing of the motion.
When the motion is received in LCU, it will be reviewed to ensure it meets all of the requirements of Evidence Code Section 1043. If the motion is proper, LCU will research the Officer’s personnel records for any complaints lodged against him / her and any disciplinary action taken as a result of the complaints within the past ______ years of employment with the Department pertaining to the requests in the motion.
5 years
A representative from the Area (other than the Officer(s) who is the subject of the motion) will deliver the records to the court at the time of the hearing and act as custodian of the records. The records ______ not be left with the court unattended
The representative______ also have the Officer’s Field folder available for review by the judge. The Field folder _______ be given to the judge only upon request. The representative _______ remain in court during the entire proceeding. Often the judge asks questions of the custodian even when there are no records to disclose.
should/ should/ shall
If the judge returns the records to the Area representative, they should be returned to LCU for ___ .
What action
True or False:
The hearing begins in open court, with the defense attorney, district attorney and the custodian of the records present. The defense attorney makes arguments for granting the motion and, in some instances, the district attorney or county counsel argue against the motion on behalf of the Department.
True or False:
The judge will then announce that he / she is going to conduct an in camera review of the documents in chambers. Those persons allowed in chambers are the judge, the court reporter, the custodian of records, and any other persons the custodian of records agrees to have present.
The judge should then return to open court and announce his / her findings and decision. If the judge finds there-are no relevant records or information, he / she will normally ______ the motion.
True or False:
If the judge finds that there is relevant information, he / she will normally do one of the following: Disclose the information to the defense attorney and district attorney at that time (disclosure is normally limited to names, addresses, telephone numbers of complainants and witnesses), or order the custodian to deliver the records or information to the district attorney and defense attorney by a certain date (compliance date).
There have been instances where judges have ordered the production of peace officer personnel records without adhering to the Pitchess Motion process. In any such instance, an affidavit prepared by the Area office and signed by the______ shall accompany the records to the court.
Area commander