100.86 Risk Management Flashcards
True or False
Risk management is defined as an activity that involves the evaluation or comparison of risks and the development, selection, and implementation of control measures that change, reduce, or eliminate the probability or the consequences of a harmful action.
____ will establish Standard Operating Procedures for Risk Management Response Protocol for situation unique to their individual commands.
Division Commanders
The ORM reports to the ____ and provides support services to designated and trained Risk Management Administrators (RMA) for risk-related incidents as needed.
Deputy Commissioner
The ORM, Risk Management Unit, reports to a ____ and is compromised of a lieutenant, an Analysis Unit, and a Claims Support Unit.
True or False
The ORM’s responsibilities is acting as a liaison with the Attorney General’s office on risk issues.
True or False
One of the Office of Legal Affair’s (OLA) responsibilities is ensuring procedures necessary to provide legal advise relative to incident risk are followed and that the interests of the Department are properly addressed.
Threshold Incidents are defined as those incidents which have a high probability of resulting in the Department or State of California as the ____ in a civil lawsuit .
When considering a threshold incident, supervisors/managers ____ consider whether the incident could unfavorably reflect upon or cause embarrassment to the Department or another state agency.
True or False
For the purposes of this manual, a s”serious” injury is defined as serious impairment of physical condition, including, but not limited to, the following: loss of consciousness, concussion, bone fracture, protracted loss or impairment of function of any bodily member or organ, a wound requiring extensive suturing, and serious disfigurement.
Examples of threshold incidents are:
A. Any incident which a member of the department is seriously injured or killed during the performance of their duties.
B. Any incident involving departmental personnel which results in serious injury, hospitalization, or death to a member of the public.
C. When a member of the Department intentionally or by accident discharges a firearm at a person, whether on, or off-duty, and wether or not an individual is struck.
D. Any sensitive or complex internal investigation when the liability appears to be that of the department.
E. All of the above.
E. All of the above.
Examples of non-threshold incidents are:
A. Any incident involving a vehicle collision which results in an “other visible” and/or “complaint of pain” injury to a party or parties, other than a member of the Department.
B. Any incident involving the use of force by a member of the Department which results in an other visible and/ or complaint of pain injury to a suspect or bystander.
C. Any incident involving an other visible and or complaint of pain injury from the use of handcuffs.
D. When high-risk or felony stop procedures are used and the suspects are later found to be an innocent party.
E. An incident where a civilian slips and falls in the front lobby of an Are office and sustains an injury.
F. When an innocent party’s vehicle runs over a spike strip.
G. Any incident where there is damage caused by the push-bumper removal of a vehicle or equipment from the roadway.
H. All of the above
H. All of the above.
Indentations or redness from handcuffing ____ a CHP 268
A. Require
B. Do not require
B. Do not require
When any doubt exists as to the necessity for a report, a CHP 268____ be completed.
Threshold Incidents require a notification ____ to ORM via the Emergency Notification and Tactical Alert Center (ENTAC)
No threshold PCL (potential civil liability) incidents require the appropriate preliminary or completed CHP 268 transmitted to ORM within ____ calendar days; however ENTAC notification is not required.
7 calendar days
All requests for release of information involving the incident (e.g. requests under Public Records Act) ____ be coordinated with ORM.
All requests for release of information involving the incident (e.g. discovery of peach officers’ personnel records pursuant to Evidence Code Section 1045, commonly referred to as Pitchess Motions)____ be coordinated with OLA.
True or False
The CHP 268 is an attorney-client privileged document utilized for the purpose of relaying sensitive information to the Office of Legal Affairs (OLA).
A Threshold Incident, as defined in Chapter 1, Risk Management Response Protocol, paragraph 4 of this manual, requires immediate notification of ENTAC. A completed CHP 268 shall be transmitted by Area to the appropriate Division within ____ calendar days of the date of the incident.
For a threshold incident, Division shall review the CHP 268 (including changes or corrections Division requires Area to make) and submit the report to ORM within ____ calendar days from the date of receipt.
Notification to ENTAC____ required for Nonthreshold PCL Incidents.
A. Is
B. is not
B. Is not
In those instances when a CHP 268 cannot be completed within the required timeframe, a preliminary report ____ be created.
_____ after an incident, a supervisor with direct knowledge of the incident shall complete a chronological summary of the incident and submit the report through proper channels to ORM.
As soon as practical
In the event more than one departmental employee is directly involved in an incident which could give rise to civil liability, only one report shall be completed.all employees shall be listed on the ____ as “involved” or “witness” based upon their role in the incident.
CHP 268
The supervisor ____ complete the Supervisory Review, including any perceived policy and/or law violations and whether the supervisor believes the employee(s) acted within departmental policy.
All individuals in the chain of review ____ document their review of the report utilizing the Routing Log contained within the CHP 268.
A. Should
B. Shall
C. May
D. Must
B. Shall
All materials/documents marked Preserved for Threshold incidents shall be retained on a ____ year litigation hold.
10 year
All materials/documents marked Preserved for Nonthreshold PCL incidents shall be retained on a ____-year litigation hold.
5 year
When an incident causes a civilians’ complaint investigation to be conducted, it shall be conducted in accordance with HPM 10.4, Citizens’ Complaint Investigation. If it is known that a civilians’ complaint was filed when completing the CHP 268, the face should be noted under the “Area Commander Review” section. Copies of the CHP 268 ____ not be included in the complaint investigation report.
Use of Force(UOF) incidents which do not result in injury to a civilians shall be documented on a ______ . Is a CHP 268 also required?
CHP 275
No the CHP 268 is only required when there is a concern for potential civil liability arising from the incident.
True or False
All UOF incidents which result in injury to a civilian shall be documented on a CHP 275 and accompanied by a CHP 268.
Complaint of pain and/or visible injury shall be considered an injury for reporting purposes. this ____ include Electronic Control Device (ECD) deployments where the only injury is probe/puncture marks or incidents where mere redness or indentations are the only injury associated with the proper application of handcuffs.
Would not
A CHP 275____ be completed when a subject attacks a peace officer and the attack results in serious or fatal injuries to the officer. When a subject discharges a firearm at a peace officer, whether the officer was struck or not.
The CHP 275 shall be completed _____ after an incident by a supervisor with direct knowledge of the incident, for any incident in which a peace officer utilizes force to overcome physical resistance from an uncooperative civilian.
as soon as practical
The discharge of a firearm by a departmental peace officer shall be reported utilizing the____ wether or not the subject was stuck.
CHP 275
The CHP 275 ____ be completed when any control hold is used to overcome physical resistance from an uncooperative subject.
A CHP 275 is____ for the mere us of a departmentally approved handcuffing technique on a compliant subject.
not required
All in-custody/arrest-related deaths shall be reported to the ORM within ____ calendar days from the date of the incident.
Reporting shall be conducted utilizing the____, Death in Custody Reporting For.
A. CHP 713
B. STD 731
C. BCIA 713
D. BCIA 731
C. BCIA 713
True or False
For reporting purposes, custody is defined as any point in time when a person’s freedom of movement has been denied by law enforcement. This would include the following:
- During the process of arrest (e.g., issuance of a citation, high-risk and/or felony enforcement stops, lawful detention)
- Death of a person while attempting to elude police(does not include the death of an uninvolved third party out of a pursuit).
- In-custody arrest being transported to or from law enforcement facilities.
True or False
For any incident involving a state vehicle being driven by a state driver which results in injury or property damage, whether on or off highway, a CHP 208, Collision Prevention Report, STD. 270, Vehicle Accident Report, and a CHP 555, Traffic Collision Report, are required.
For any incident in which a state vehicle is legally parked, whether or not the state vehicle is in transport, and is struck by another vehicle, a CHP 208,____ and CHP 555 are required. D
STD 270
For anytime unreported damage to a state vehicle is discovered, the last driver of the state vehicle ____ be documented as the party responsible for the damage. A CHP 208 and STD 275 are required. A CHP 555 is required if deemed appropriate by the Area Commander.
(Should, shall, may, must)
For any incident involving legal intervention which meets the definition of a collision in accordance with HPM 100.5, Collision Investigation Manual Chapter 2, Definitions and Classifications of Collisions, a CHP 208, STD 270 and CHP 555 ____ be completed.
When during the course of a pursuit, the suspect vehicle is involved in a collision and damage and/or injuries are confined to the pursuits vehicle and suspect, an CHP 208, STD 270 (are/are not) required. The CHP 555 is completed as appropriate.
Are not
Hail, wind, and sand storm damage ______ a CHP 208 and STD 270.
(Require/do not require)
Do not require
A collision with a bird that moves unexpectedly into the vehicle’s path and cannot be avoided if the injury is confined to the bird, is a CHP 208 and STD 270 required?
A motorcycle sustains damage as a result of it falling from its kickstand. Are a CHP 208 and STD 270 required?
There is damage caused by the push bumper during the removal of a vehicle or equipment from the roadway and the damage is limited to the contact point on the privately owned vehicle or the CHP vehicle. Are CHP 208 and STD 270 required?
When malicious damage to a sate vehicle is sustained by the acts of persons in-custody, are a CHP 208 and STD 270 required?
A. No. ACHP 555 is required
B. No. A CHP 268 is required
C. No. A CHP 221 is required.
C. No. A CHP 221 is required.
A completed STD 270 shall be routed to the Department of General Services (DGS) ORM, within ____ hours from the time of the incident.
An STD 270 shall be completed by Area and a copy be routed to the appropriate Division within ____ calendar days.
The CHP 208 shall be completed by the Area and routed to the appropriate Division office within ____ calendar days. Preliminary CHP 208 reports shall not be routed.
All claims in excess of ____ must be filed with the Government Claims Program (GCP)
The GCP has delegated authority to the Department to settle and pay property/loss claims up to $____ per claim pursuant to GS Section 935.6. All claims which are $____ or less are processed by the ORM
On a form CHP 287
When an individual claims to have suffered a los of $____ or less, they shall be provided a CHP 287. A field supervisor ____ carry this form with them in order to expedite the claim process.
A CHP 268 ____ be completed as soon as possible in response to the submission of a CHP 287.
(Should,shall,may, must)
When an employee(s) from only one command is involved in a pursuit, regardless of whether or not the pursuit travels outside of the command’s geographical boundaries, it is considered a Single command Pursuit.
True or False
If an officer is involved in a pursuit outside the geographical boundaries of their home command the involved officers’ home command is responsible for creating the report for the pursuit.
True or False
When more than one command and/or agency is involved in the same pursuit, each involved command and/or agency is responsible for completing and reviewing only those portions of the report that applies to their involvement.
True or False
A Peace Officer owes a duty of care to the public when the officer:
- Places a person in peril,
- Affects or increases the risk of harm to a person by specific conduct
- Creates a special relationship by making an expressed or implied promise to undertake specific conduct n behalf of an individual and that individual detrimentally relies on that promise.
There____ be liability attached to non uniformed employees because of an act or omission during the course and scope of their employment with the Department.
A. May
B. May not
A. May
The mere provision of police service to the general public_____ be construed as the type of conduct which establishes a special relationship.
A. Can
B. Cannot
B. Cannot
True or False
Employees are to exercise reasonable care for others once a special relationship has been established.
Employees ____ not place motorists, passengers, or pedestrians in a position of foreseeable danger from either traffic or other potentially hazardous factors after contact has been made.
All non-uniformed employees handling 911 or other emergency calls____ remain on the line with members of the public until the call has been successfully transferred to the appropriate allied agency, departmental communications center, or other departmental personnel.
(Should,shall,may, must)
Any uniformed employees establishing a special relationship as defined in this manual ____ remain at the scene until one or more of the following occurs:
- They are properly relieved by a departmental employee.
- They have relinquished the scene management responsibilities to an on-scene representative of the governmental agency having primary responsibility for the incident.
- They have learned of a reasonably apparent emergency requiring their immediate attention elsewhere.
- They have received direction from a supervisor to assume duties elsewhere.
- A peach officer’s assistance and/or protection is no longer reasonably necessary.
(Should, shall, may, must)
True or False
IAPro is a specialized software program utilized to capture a wide range of statistical data which has been entered into Blue Team (BT). The BT application is a Web-based application providing for data input of specific incidents and used to view the EIS dashboard. the BT application is available on the CHP intranet site>resources>supervisors & managers.
True or False
Departmental managers and supervisors are responsible for monitoring employee performance. This obligation includes vigilant observation to identify patterns of past behavior that could lead to future and escalating disciplinary action. To assist in this endeavor, BT and IAPro together allow the Department to maintain an EIA (Early intervention System)
True or False
Encompassed in the BT application is the EIS dashboard. The EIS dashboard provides supervisors and managers the ability to view the EIS status of an employee currently assigned to their command. The EIS dashboard should only be used as a threshold advisory tool for supervisors and managers.
Supervisors ____ document any performance-related issues in the employee’s monthly or annual performance appraisals if appropriate; however, no reference should be made to EIS solely due to an employee meeting a threshold. Entries in evaluation ____ be supported by observed performance.
(Should, shall, may, must)