11C Flashcards
Sea Snake Diving
Aerobic- 13 minutes & 20 meters
Anaerobic- average 30-45 minutes, 2 hrs max & average > 50 meters, 90 meters max
feed on the abundance of marine life in the intertidal zone
Range in size from sparrow to a chicken
Exhibit a variety of bell, and foot types
Gulls and Their Relatives
widely distributed; most not true ocean going, stay close to land
Pelicans and Their Relatives
have webs between their four toes and many have a hooked upper mandible
oystercatchers (family harmatopodidae) use bills to slice and pry
Turnstones (family charadriidae) heavy body and slightly upturned bills
Sandpipers (family scolopacidae) relatives plovers and oystercatchers; food on crustaceans and molluscs
Curlews (family scolopacidae) using long bills like forcepts to extract shellfish
Avocets (family scolopacidae) have long legs and use long upturned bills to sift side to side through the water
Stilts (family scolopacidae) have extremely long legs and use long straight bull to probe mud for food
Herons & egrets (family ardeidae) feed on small fish and crustaceans
Gills and their relatives
inhabit shores and seaports
stay close to land, not selective feeders with enormous appetites
family laridae, very vocal birds…
family harmatopodidae (shorebirds)
Oystercatchers- use bills to slice and pry
family scolopacidae (shorebirds)
Avocets- have long legs and use long upturned bills to sift side to side through the water
Stilts- have extremely long legs and use long straight bull to probe mud for food
Curlews- using long bills like forcepts to extract shellfish
family ardeidae (shorebirds)
Herons & Egrets- feed on small fish and crustaceans
Marine Mammals
mammals that live and feed in the marine environment
ability to maintain a constant body temperature or metabolism
Mammary glands
milk producing glands in mammals
Placental mammals
retain their going inside their body until they are ready to be born
organ found in pregnant placental mammals that sustains a young until it’s born
seals that lack external ears and are known as true seals
seals that have external ear flaps and are known as sea lions or fur seals
Digestive organ, that stores food before it is processed
Bill Size
Dictates the size of prey
Feet size
dictates habitat that birds can access