11b parasitic Flashcards
Parasitic: skin
Pediculosis (lice):
• pediculosis capitus (head)
• pediculosis corporis (body) and pubis (genital)
Scabies (mites): sarcoptes scabei
Nursing Management / Education parasitic
Instruction regarding medications, use of oral and topical agents, and shampoos
• Instructions regarding hygiene: use clean towels and washcloths every day
• Wear clean, dry, cotton clothing including underwear and socks; avoid synthetic
underwear, tight-fitting garments, wet bathing suits and plastic shoes
• Instruct patient to take a warm, soapy bath; allow skin to cool; and apply
prescription scabicide lindane, crotamiton or 5% permethrin to entire body, not
including the face or scalp. Leave on for 12–24 hours
• Wash clothing and bedding in hot water and dry in a hot dryer
• Treat all contacts at the same time
• Instruction in use of shampoo (Lindane or pyrethrin) and combing of hair with finetooth comb dipped in vinegar to remove all nits
• Note Lindane may have toxic effects and must be used only as directed
• All articles of clothing and bedding must be disinfected, washed in hot water or drycleaned. Furniture and floors should be frequently vacuumed.
• Do not share combs, hats, etc.
• All family members and close contacts must be treated
• All family members and sexual contacts must be treated and instructed regarding
personal hygiene
Fungal skin
• Tinea
• Ringworm ( characteristic appearance of a ring or
rounded shape under the skin. Begins with a red
macule that spreads to a ring of papules or vesicles
- Tinea Capitus
- Tinea Corporis
- Tinea Cruris
- Tinea Pedis
- Tinea Ungum
( head) (body} (groin area) ( foot /in between toes) ( toenails)
• A chronic, non-infectious inflammatory disease
of the skin in which epidermal cells are produced
at an abnormally rapid rate
• Affects about 2% of the population, primary
those of European ancestry
• Improves and recurs; a life-long condition
Psoriasis May be aggravated
by stress, trauma, seasonal
and hormonal changes
Treatment Psoriasis
: baths to remove scales and
Complications: Psoriasis
• Infection
• Psoriatic arthritis (a type of inflammatory arthritis). Symptoms include joint pain,
stiffness and swelling, which may flare and subside. Many people with the condition
are affected by morning stiffness. Even mild skin psoriasis can have a significant degree
of arthritis.
Nursing Management / Education: Psoriasis
Major goals may include:
• Increased understanding of psoriasis and the treatment regimen and measures to
prevent skin injury: avoid picking or scratching
• Achievement of smoother skin with control of lesions
• Measures to prevent skin dryness: use of emollients, avoid excessive washing and use
warm (not hot) water, pat dry
• Development of self-acceptance
• Absence of complications
Treatment may include:Psoriasis
- Medication to reduce inflammation
- Steroid injections
- Joint replacement surgery
Nursing Management / Education Psoriasis
• Meticulous oral hygiene
• Avoid commercial mouthwashes
• Keep lips moist with lip balm, petroleum or lanolin
• Cool mist humidified air
• Cool wet dressing or baths, hygiene measures
• Apply powder liberally to keep skin from adhering to sheets
• Monitor for and prevent hypothermia
• Skin care may be similar to that of the patient with extensive
• Measures to prevent secondary infections
• Encourage adequate fluid and nutritional intake
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
• Severe mucocutaneous reactions, usually to
drugs, characterised by blistering and epithelial
Nursing Diagnoses Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
• Impaired tissue integrity (i.e. oral, eye and skin)
related to epidermal shedding
• Deficient fluid volume and electrolyte losses
related to loss of fluids from denuded skin
• Risk of imbalanced body temperature (i.e.
hypothermia) related to heat loss secondary to
skin loss
• Acute pain related to denuded skin, oral lesions
and possible infection
• Anxiety related to the physical appearance of
the skin and prognosis
Nursing Management / Education Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
- Maintaining skin and mucous membrane integrity
- Attaining fluid balance
- Preventing hypothermia
- Relieving pain
- Reducing anxiety
- Monitoring and managing potential complications
- Promoting home and community-based care