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A-Level Physics EDEXCEL Year 2
> 11.2 NC > Flashcards
11.2 NC Flashcards
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A-Level Physics EDEXCEL Year 2
(90 decks)
1.1 Impulse and Momentum
1.2 Work and Energy
1.3 Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
1.4 Collisions in 2 Dimensions
1.5 Rockets and Jets
4.1 Electric Fields Intro
4.2 Electric Field Strength
4.3 Uniform Electric Field
4.4 Use of electrostatics in the real world
4.5 Radial Electric Fields
4.6 Coulomb's Law
4.7 Potential Gradient and Electric Potential
4.8 Difference between Electric and Gravitational Fields
4.E Millikan's Oil Drop Experiment
5.1 What are capacitors
5.2 Energy storage by capacitors
5.3 Capacitors in the real world
5.6 Capacitor Discharge
5.E Charging a capacitor
6.1 Magnetic Fields Introduction
6.2 Magnetic Flux Density
6.4 + 6.5 F = BQV and electron beams
6.6 Changing Magnetic Flux
6.7 Electromagnetic Induction - Intro + Faradays Law
6.7 Electromagnetic Induction - Lenz Law
6.7E Extra Equations and Graphs for Electromagnetic Induction
6.8 AC and transformers
7.1 Language of the Atom
7.2 Alpha Particle Scattering
7.3 Thermionic Emission
7.4 Equations for radius of circular motion of charged particles in magnetic field
7.5 Cyclotron
7.6 Linear Accelerators
7.7 Particle Detectors
7.8 Einstein's Equation
8.1 Quarks Introduction
8.2 Matter and Anti-Matter
8.3 Other Mass Units
8.4 Creation and Annihilation of Matter
8.5 Standard Model - Time Dilation
8.5 The Standard Model - Leptons
8.5 Standard Model - Quarks
8.6 Mesons and Baryons
9.2 Background Radiation
9.3 Dangers Of Radiation
9.4 Ionising Radiation
9.5 Disintegration Processes
9.6 Nature of Radioactive Decay
9.7 Half Life - NC
10.1 Heating,Temperature and Internal Energy
10.2 Units of Temperature
10.3 Specific Heat Capacity
10.4 Measuring specific heat capacity
12.1 Pressure
12.2 Ideal Gas Basics and Boyle's Law
12.2 Pressure Law
12.2 Charles' Law
12.3 Equation of state for an ideal gas NC
12.4 Kinetic Theory
12.5 Kinetic Model of Temperature (equations for pressure of an ideal gas on the walls of container and internal energy of an ideal gas)
13.1 Trigonometric Parallax
13.2 Luminosity And Flux
13.3 Standard Candles
13.4 Hertzsprung - Russel Diagram and Star Life Cycle
13.5 Light from the stars
14.5 Doppler Effect + Hubble Constant
5.E (all of 5.4-5.6) Capacitor Maths
5.E Core Practical On Capacitors
11.2 NC
11.3 NC
11.4 NC
11.5 NC
15.1 Simple Harmonic Motion
15.2 Springs and SHM
15.3 Pendulums and SHM
15.4 Equations of Simple Harmonic Motion
3.1 Uniform Gravitational Fields
3.2 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
3.3 Radial Gravitational Fields
3.4 Gravitational Field and Potential
15.5 Energy is Simple Harmonic Motion
15.6 Free,Damped and Forced Oscillations
15.7 Resonance
2.1 Circular Motion Introduction
2.2 Centripetal Forces
2.3 Apparent Weightlessness
14.3 Fission
14.4 Fusion (and Stellar Fusion)
14.2 Nuclear Binding Energy
14.1 How do stars begin?