A-Level Physics EDEXCEL Year 2

This class was created by Brainscape user michal wozniak. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (90)

1.1 Impulse and Momentum
Equation for linear momentum 1,
Is momentum a vector or a scalar 2,
If there is no external forces ac...
16  cards
1.2 Work and Energy
Equation for work done 1,
Equation for gravitational potent...,
Equation for kinetic energy 3
11  cards
1.3 Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
A collision where ek is conserved...,
A collision where ek is not conse...,
Is energy always conserved 3
4  cards
1.4 Collisions in 2 Dimensions
In 2d collisions is momentum cons...,
Where are 2 dimensional collision...,
What are the two ways of solving ...
9  cards
1.5 Rockets and Jets
0  cards
4.1 Electric Fields Intro
What is an electric field 1,
What is the force that acts on a ...,
What happens to oppositely charge...
10  cards
4.2 Electric Field Strength
What is electric field strength 1,
Equation for electric field stren...,
What are the units of electric fi...
10  cards
4.3 Uniform Electric Field
How are electric field lines set ...,
What does it mean if lines are co...,
How can the size of the uniform e...
5  cards
4.4 Use of electrostatics in the real world
What 3 technologies do i need to ...,
What does lcd stand for 2,
What is a electric dipole 3
21  cards
4.5 Radial Electric Fields
What is a radial field 1,
In what direction do the lines po...,
In what direction do the lines po...
18  cards
4.6 Coulomb's Law
coulombs law
13  cards
4.7 Potential Gradient and Electric Potential
What is the electric potential 1,
What does electric field strength...,
What is potential gradient in thi...
23  cards
4.8 Difference between Electric and Gravitational Fields
Similarity in terms of strength 1,
Similarities between laws 2,
Similarities in the field lines d...
8  cards
4.E Millikan's Oil Drop Experiment
What equipment do we need for the...,
What happens as the drops leave t...,
What happens to the drops when th...
9  cards
5.1 What are capacitors
What is the equation for capacita...,
What is capacitance measured in 2,
What is the circuit symbol for a ...
17  cards
5.2 Energy storage by capacitors
What type of energy can capacitor...,
When do capacitors store energy 2,
What is the equation for energy s...
10  cards
5.3 Capacitors in the real world
Some uses of capacitors in day to...,
What does the setup of a keyboard...,
How does this setup work to deduc...
9  cards
5.6 Capacitor Discharge
How do we know a capacitor has be...,
What happens to charge and pd dur...,
What happens to current during di...
11  cards
5.E Charging a capacitor
When do we know that a capacitor ...,
Why do we use a resistor in charg...,
What is another reason we may use...
10  cards
6.1 Magnetic Fields Introduction
What is a magnetic field 1,
Can lines of the magnetic fields ...,
From what to what do the field li...
17  cards
6.2 Magnetic Flux Density
When is a force exerted in a magn...,
Why do lines that are closer mean...,
What is the magnetic flux density 3
33  cards
6.4 + 6.5 F = BQV and electron beams
What is the equation for force of...,
When taking angles into considera...,
Since the magnetic field is alway...
23  cards
6.6 Changing Magnetic Flux
Is magnetic flux density a vector...,
What is the magnetic flux density 2,
What should we think of as magnet...
18  cards
6.7 Electromagnetic Induction - Intro + Faradays Law
What is electromagnetic induction 1,
Where is this technique used ever...,
How is emf induced when a wire cu...
14  cards
6.7 Electromagnetic Induction - Lenz Law
What is lenz law 1,
What is lenz law example of 2,
How is lenz law an example of con...
20  cards
6.7E Extra Equations and Graphs for Electromagnetic Induction
Equation for magnetic flux densit...,
Equation for magnetic flux densit...,
What is the constant mew 3
8  cards
6.8 AC and transformers
What is alternating current 1,
What is direct current 2,
What else can we have that is alt...
34  cards
7.1 Language of the Atom
What is another name for proton n...,
What is a proton atomic number 2,
What does a proton atomic number ...
20  cards
7.2 Alpha Particle Scattering
What did jj thomson suggesr 1,
What was the name of the model jj...,
Who disproved the plum pudding mo...
16  cards
7.3 Thermionic Emission
What is thermionic emission 1,
What does the thermal energy gain...,
What is the work function 3
16  cards
7.4 Equations for radius of circular motion of charged particles in magnetic field
Equation for force acting on a ch...,
Equation for centripetal force 2,
How to workout the equation of th...
8  cards
7.5 Cyclotron
A cyclotron is a type of what 1,
What is a particle accelerator 2,
The set up of the cyclotron must ...
26  cards
7.6 Linear Accelerators
What is another name for a linear...,
What is a linear particle acceler...,
What is a linear particle acceler...
11  cards
7.7 Particle Detectors
What is the basic principle behin...,
What happens during ionisation 2,
What are the two methods of parti...
31  cards
7.8 Einstein's Equation
What equation is used to calculat...,
Who discovered this equation 2,
What is the speed of light 3
13  cards
8.1 Quarks Introduction
Describe the experiment used to i...,
What happened when the electrons ...,
What happened when electrons were...
12  cards
8.2 Matter and Anti-Matter
What do we believe all fundamenta...,
What characteristics do antiparti...,
What are the quarks inside an ant...
9  cards
8.3 Other Mass Units
What are the 2 other mass units i...,
What is the unified atomic mass o...,
What is the value of 1u unified a...
10  cards
8.4 Creation and Annihilation of Matter
When light acts as a particle wha...,
What are the characteristics of a...,
What is a photon denoted with in ...
21  cards
8.5 Standard Model - Time Dilation
When do things experience time di...,
What is time dilation 2,
Equation for time dilation and sy...
4  cards
8.5 The Standard Model - Leptons
What are leptons 1,
What are the 3 base leptons 2,
What are all the leptons 3
22  cards
8.5 Standard Model - Quarks
What are quarks 1,
What is a hadron 2,
What are the two types of hadrons 3
19  cards
8.6 Mesons and Baryons
What is a hadron 1,
What are the 2 types of hadrons 2,
How are hadrons classified 3
26  cards
9.2 Background Radiation
What is an ion 1,
What is an isotope 2,
What is the mass number 3
20  cards
9.3 Dangers Of Radiation
Can radiation kill 1,
What are the precautions to take ...,
What should people wear who are l...
6  cards
9.4 Ionising Radiation
What are the 4 types of ionsing r...,
Another name for ionizing radiati...,
How can we detect alpha radiation 3
40  cards
9.5 Disintegration Processes
What is an isotope 1,
Do the chemical properties of iso...,
Do the physical properties of an ...
34  cards
9.6 Nature of Radioactive Decay
The emission of radiation is said...,
What is the meaning of random 2,
What is the meaning of spontaneous 3
12  cards
9.7 Half Life - NC
What is half life 1,
Which simple classroom experiment...,
If we made a graph of dies turns ...
19  cards
10.1 Heating,Temperature and Internal Energy
What is internal energy 1,
What does potential energy arise ...,
What doesn t have an internal ene...
13  cards
10.2 Units of Temperature
Is kelvin an si unit 1,
Is change is celsuis the same as ...,
Another name for the kelvin scale 3
12  cards
10.3 Specific Heat Capacity
What is specific heat capacity 1,
Specific heat capacity is a of a ...,
Equation for specific heat capaci...
8  cards
10.4 Measuring specific heat capacity
When using electrical methods to ...,
What is the setup for method 1 wo...,
How is this experiment done 3
20  cards
12.1 Pressure
What is pressure defined as 1,
What are the units of pressure 2,
What is a pascal 3
20  cards
12.2 Ideal Gas Basics and Boyle's Law
What 4 variables do we have to co...,
How can we investigate how these ...,
What is an ideal gas 3
26  cards
12.2 Pressure Law
What relationship does the pressu...,
What is the relationship between ...,
What has to be fixed to analyse p...
14  cards
12.2 Charles' Law
What is the relationship between ...,
How is volume and temperature rel...,
What is the graph for volume agai...
11  cards
12.3 Equation of state for an ideal gas NC
What 3 laws do we need to combine...,
What is the constant k and what d...,
Is this equation the same for all...
18  cards
12.4 Kinetic Theory
What is the kinetic theory 1,
What are the assumptions of the k...,
What does this theory regard 3
6  cards
12.5 Kinetic Model of Temperature (equations for pressure of an ideal gas on the walls of container and internal energy of an ideal gas)
How do we derive the equation for...,
When we use the newtons third law...,
Derive the equation pv 1 3nm 3
20  cards
13.1 Trigonometric Parallax
How long is an astronomical unit 1,
What is an astronomical unit 2,
What is the distance of one light...
10  cards
13.2 Luminosity And Flux
What is luminosity what is it mea...,
What is radiation flux 2,
What is radiation flux considered...
7  cards
13.3 Standard Candles
What is a cephid star 1,
How to find d using a cephid star 2,
What other phenomenon can be used...
17  cards
13.4 Hertzsprung - Russel Diagram and Star Life Cycle
What is a hertzsprung russel diag...,
What is on the y axis what does i...,
What is on the x axis what does i...
27  cards
13.5 Light from the stars
What is wien s law 1,
What is temperature measured in i...,
What is the constant and its unit...
9  cards
14.5 Doppler Effect + Hubble Constant
What is the doppler effect 1,
How do stars emit a continuous sp...,
How do stars emit an emission spe...
24  cards
5.E (all of 5.4-5.6) Capacitor Maths
Exponential Decay Exponential Growth Graphs (logs) Time Constant Graphical Determination
14  cards
5.E Core Practical On Capacitors
0  cards
11.2 NC
0  cards
11.3 NC
0  cards
11.4 NC
What is a change of state 1,
What are the 4 states of matter 2
2  cards
11.5 NC
0  cards
15.1 Simple Harmonic Motion
What is the amplitude 1,
What is the period 2,
What is the frequency 3
15  cards
15.2 Springs and SHM
Most springs that obey hooke s la...,
When a spring with one fixed end ...,
When a spring with one fixed end ...
22  cards
15.3 Pendulums and SHM
What must a pendulum be like for ...,
What provides the restoring force 2,
What else must be met for shm to ...
10  cards
15.4 Equations of Simple Harmonic Motion
What is the basic defining equati...,
What does a graph of acceleration...,
Is the a x graph infinite 3
24  cards
3.1 Uniform Gravitational Fields
What is a gravitational field 1,
What kind of a force does a mass ...,
Objects of what interact through ...
25  cards
3.2 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
Newton s law of universal gravita...,
A graph of f against r gives what...,
A graph of f against 1 r 2 gives ...
20  cards
3.3 Radial Gravitational Fields
What is a radial field 1,
In terms of the gravitational fie...,
What happens to the equipotential...
9  cards
3.4 Gravitational Field and Potential
What is the gravitational potenti...,
What is the gravitational potenti...,
What is the equation for the grav...
10  cards
15.5 Energy is Simple Harmonic Motion
In simple harmonic what energy st...,
Elastic strain energy and gravita...,
At the midpoint of oscillation wh...
11  cards
15.6 Free,Damped and Forced Oscillations
What is a free oscillation 1,
Is a fully free oscillation possi...,
What is a damped oscillation 3
21  cards
15.7 Resonance
What process is resonance 1,
What is the driving force then eq...,
How can we show resonance 3
25  cards
2.1 Circular Motion Introduction
What is angular displacement 1,
Equation for angular displacement 2,
Does angular displacement have un...
21  cards
2.2 Centripetal Forces
When turning a corner at a steady...,
What is this force a result of 2,
What is the name of this force 3
19  cards
2.3 Apparent Weightlessness
When can we feel weightless examp...,
What is free fall 2,
What is being weightless 3
4  cards
14.3 Fission
What is nuclear fission 1,
When does nuclear fission happen 2,
What is this process said to be 3
13  cards
14.4 Fusion (and Stellar Fusion)
What is nuclear fusion 1,
Where is this process used to gen...,
Due to high temperatures in the s...
10  cards
14.2 Nuclear Binding Energy
What do we call the difference in...,
What is the relationship between ...,
So what does any change in mass m...
17  cards
14.1 How do stars begin?
What stage is the 1st stage of th...,
What happens to a stellar nebula 2,
What is a stellar nebula 3
6  cards

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A-Level Physics EDEXCEL Year 2

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