1.1.2 market/product orientation Flashcards
definition product oriented
when business only looks at the product or production process when deciding what to make next
business is inward looking
when is product oriented appropriate
little competition in market –> business can make whatever suits its production capacity
limited customer knowledge e.g. braces
low disposable income of consumers
product oriented examples
Apple –> create what they can, not what consumers want (consumer limited knowledge, wants impossible things)
definition market oriented
business philosophy where the focus is on identifying customerneeds/wants and meeting them (market research)
focuses on designing and selling products/services that satisfy customer need to be profitable
example market orientation
audi cars –> focuses on wants of customers e.g. what colours they want
pro/con market oriented
+ band loyalty, competitive advantage, low risk
- constant change, less innovative
what is market research
any activity gives a business information about its products/services including its customers, competitors, market it operates in
what defermines if market or product oriented
type of product: invention =product
size: larger = market
competition: lots = market
industry: science = product, arts = market