1.1.11 - Identify a range of causes of data loss. Flashcards
What is data loss?
Data loss refers to an error condition where data is lost or destroyed due to system failure, storage negligence, or transmission or processing errors.
What precautions can be taken to prevent or restore data loss?
Precautions include using hardware and software solutions such as regular backups, file recovery software, firewalls, and authentication methods.
What are five reasons for data loss?
Five reasons for data loss are theft/malicious employees, human error, malware, software failure, and hardware failure.
What can be done to prevent data loss from accidental deletion?
Using file recovery software can help recover data lost due to accidental deletion.
How can administration errors leading to data loss be prevented?
Careful administration and attention to detail can help prevent data loss due to administration errors.
What solution can address poor data storage organisation system?
Restructuring the data storage organisation system can help prevent data loss.
How can data loss from closing without saving be prevented?
Implementing autosave features can help prevent data loss from closing without saving.
What measures can be taken to prevent data loss from data corruption?
Regular backups can help prevent data loss from data corruption.
What is a solution for data loss due to firmware corruption?
Regular backups can help restore data lost due to firmware corruption.
How can physical damage leading to data loss be mitigated?
Regular backups can help restore data lost due to physical damage.
What can prevent data loss from power failure?
Regular backups can help restore data lost due to power failure.
How can data loss from outsiders wanting to damage, alter, or steal data be prevented?
Using firewalls and authentication methods can help prevent data loss from external threats.