1.1 Cell Structure and Function - Pt. 2 Flashcards
Hold the cell together…
Controls the activities of a cell by holding the DNA…
The “instructions” of the cell…
Eukaryotic cells have…
Three main parts
Creates room for work and space for holding organelles and ribosomes…
Acts as a control center for all activities preformed by the cell and is the source of genetic information (DNA)…
Acts as a vault to protect DNA that’s inside…
Nuclear Envelope
Mainly made of a double membrane layer of Phospholipids…
Nuclear Envelope
Contains pores (tunnels) composed from proteins for molecules to travel through, such as nucleotides (from our food) to make messenger RNA…
Nuclear Envelope
Leaves to help make proteins in the cytoplasm “construction site”…
The messenger RNA
“Million Dollar Blueprint”…
“DNA is loose” - A cell can move the DNA around to find the gene of importance…
Chromatin phase
“The DNA is tightly wrapped up” - This phase is used for separating DNA equally during cell division…
Chromosome phase
Makes “messenger RNA, mRNA, and sends it to the cytoplasm “construction site”. The site of the RNA synthesis…
Responsible for helping making Ribosomes, which are mostly RNA structures…
Making of a cheap, disposable copy of DNA…
Cellular particles made of ribosomal, RNA, rRNA, and proteins…
Sites of Protein Synthesis…
Normal proteins and enzymes are all made here…
Protein Synthesis
Two types of ribosomes…
Free Ribosomes and Bound Ribosomes
Make proteins that will stay inside the cell to be used for the cell. Float freely in cytoplasm of the cell…
Free Ribosomes
Make proteins that will leave the cell to be used elsewhere…
Bound Ribosomes
Attached to endoplasmic reticulum organelle and are only found in Eukaryotes…
Bound Ribosomes