10 - Lower Limb - Anterior and medial Thigh Flashcards
What are the functions of the lower limb?
For movement and support of the upper body
What are the key regions of the lower limb?
The glutes, thighs, legs and feet
The major bones of the lower body?
Thighs - Femur
Legs - Tibia and Fibula
Feet - carpals, metacarpals and phalanges
What does the lower limb articulate with?
The hip bone
How many hip bones are there and what do they fuse with?
There are 2 hip bones and they fuse with the sacrum in the middle
What are the 3 bones that make up the hip bone?
The Ileum, Ischium and the Pubis
what do the 3 hip bones fuse at?
The Acetabulum
What does the head of the femur articulate with?
The Acetabulum
How many muscles are in the anterior compartment of the thigh?
What are the muscles of the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Quadriceps - (Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, Vastus Medialis)
What do the Quadricep muscles fuse into and insert onto?
The Quadricep tendon and fuses onto the tibial tuberosity.
What is the function of the muscles in the anterior compartment?
They FLEX the thigh at the hip and EXTEND at the knee
What is the Iliopsoas made up of?
The Iliacus originating at the ileac fossa and the psoas major originating at the vertebral body
Where does the iliopsoas insert onto?
The lesser trochanter
Where does the Sartorius originate?
At the anterior-superior ileac spine
Where does the Sartorius insert?
Onto the proximal part of the medial tibia
What innervates all the muscles of the anterior compartment?
The femoral nerve
What is the function of the muscles of the medial compartment?
To adduct the thigh
What are the muscles of the medial compartment?
Adductor Longus
Adductor brevis
Adductor magnus
Obturator externus
Adductor magnus
Largest muscle of the medial compartment
The most superficial and medial muscle of the medial compartment crosses at both the hip and knee joints.
Obturator externus
Laterally rotates the thigh
Flexes the thigh as well as adducting
What innervates the muscles of the medial compartment?
The obturator nerve
What is the Femoral triangle?
An anatomical region where important nerves and vessels pass though
What are the borders of the femoral triangle?
The Sartorius (Laterally)
Adductor Longus (Medially)
The inguinal Ligament (Superiorly)
What passes through the femoral triangle?
femoral nerve, femoral artery and femoral vein
What is the adductor canal?
An area at the apex of the femoral triangle that allows the femoral vein and artery to pass through
What is the femoral artery a continuation of?
The External ileac artery
Where does the external ileac artery turn into the femoral artery?
Under the inguinal ligament
What is the Obturator artery a branch of?
The Internal ileac Artery
What is the iliotibial tract?
A thickening of the fascia Lata/ deep fascia
What are the 2 parts of the adductor magnus?
The adductor and the hamstring compartment
What is the most common fracture site for osteoporosis in the elderly?
The neck of the femur