10. Human Resource Management Flashcards
Human Resource Management
HRM focuses on:
* workforce planning to plan how many employees, and what skills, are needed for the business in the future
- recruitment and selection of appropriate new employees
- developing employees by appraising and training them
- preparing employment contracts for all employees
- dismissal and redundancy of employees
- taking responsibility for management and workforce relations
- monitoring and improving employee morale and welfare
- introducing and managing payment and other incentive systems
- measuring and monitoring employee performance.
Reasons for and role of a workforce plan
HR departments need to calculate the future employment needs of the business. Failure to do this can lead to too few workers with the right skills or too many workers with the wrong skills. The first stage is always a workforce audit. Once this has been conducted, the next stage in workforce planning is to assess how many additional employees and skills might be needed.
What will depend on how many employees business needs?
- Forecast demand for the product: This will be influenced by market and external conditions, seasonal factors, competitors’ actions, trends in consumer tastes and so on
- The productivity level: If productivity (output per worker) is forecast to increase – perhaps as a result of more efficient machinery – fewer workers will be needed to produce the same level of output.
- The objectives of the business: If the business plans to expand over the coming years, then employee numbers will have to rise to accommodate this growth.
- Changes in the law regarding workers’ rights: If a government introduces laws that establish a shorter maximum working week or a minimum wage level, then there could be a big impact on the workforce plan
- The labour turnover and absenteeism rate:
The skills of the workers required depend on?
The pace of technological change in the industry: for example, production methods and the complexity of the machinery used.
The need for flexible or multi-skilled workers as businesses try to avoid excessive specialisation. Many businesses recruit workers with more than one skill who can be used in a variety of different ways
Costs of high labour turnover
- costs of recruiting, selecting and training new staff
- poor output levels and customer service due to staff vacancies before new recruits are appointed
- difficult to establish customer loyalty due to a lack of regular, familiar contact
Potential benefits of high labour turnover
- low-skilled and less-productive staff might be leaving and could be replaced with more carefully selected workers
- new ideas and practices brought into an
organisation by new workers - high labour turnover can help a business plan to reduce employee numbers, as workers who leave will not be replaced
Recruitment and selection process
1. Establishing the exact nature of the job and drawing up a job description
This provides a complete picture of the job that is vacant and will include:
* job title
* details of the tasks to be performed
* responsibilities involved
* place in the hierarchical structure
* working conditions
* how the job will be assessed and how performance will be measured.
The advantage of the job description is that it should attract the right type of people to apply for the job, as potential recruits have a good idea whether they are suited to the position or not.
2. Drawing up a person specification
This is an analysis of the qualities, skills and qualifications that will be looked for in suitable applicants. It is clearly based on the job description because these factors can only be identified once the nature and complexity of the job have been determined. The person specification helps in the selection process by eliminating applicants who do not match the necessary requirements
3. Preparing a job advertisement
The job advertisement needs to reflect the requirements of the job and the person specification. It can be displayed within the business premises or in government job centres, recruitment agencies and newspapers. Increasingly, businesses are using the internet to advertise vacancies
4. Making shortlist of applicants
Once application forms have been received, then the selection process can begin. number of applicants are chosen based on their application forms and their personal details and work experience, often contained in a CV (curriculum vitae) or résumé.
5. Selecting between the applicants
Interviews are the most common method of selection. Interviewers question the applicant on their skills, experience and character to see if they will both perform well and fit into the organisation. Some interviewers use a six-point plan to carry out a methodical interview. Candidates are assessed according to: achievements, intelligence, skills, interests, personal manner and personal circumstances.
Advantages of internal recruitment
- Applicants may already be known to the selection team.
- Applicants will already know the organisation and its internal methods so there is no need for induction training.
- The culture of the organisation will be well understood by the applicants.
- It is often quicker than external recruitment.
- It is likely to be cheaper than using external advertising and recruitment agencies.
- It gives internal staff a career structure and a chance to progress.
- If the vacancy is for a senior post, workers will not have to get used to a new style of
Advantages of external recruitment
- External applicants will bring new ideas and practices to the business, which helps to keep existing employees focused on the future rather than the past.
- There is a wider choice of potential applicants, not just limited to internal staff.
- It avoids the resentment sometimes felt by existing staff if one of their colleagues is promoted above them.
- The standard of applicants could be higher than if the job is open only to internal applicants.
Employment contracts
- A typical employment contract will contain the following features:
- the employee’s work responsibilities and the main tasks to be undertaken
- whether the contract is permanent or temporary
- working hours and the level of flexibility expected, including whether the job is part time or full-time , whether it includes working weekends or not, the payment method and the pay level
- holiday entitlement and other benefits such as pensions
Redundancy and dismissal of employees
- Redundancy occurs when workers’ jobs are no longer required, perhaps because of a fall in demand, a change in technology or the need to cut costs
Dismissal is a different matter. It may be necessary for an HR manager to discipline an employee for continued failure to meet the obligations set out in the contract of employment.
Before dismissal can happen, the HR department must do all that it can to help the employee reach the required standard or stay within the conditions of employment. There should be support and training for the person concerned. It is important from the organisation’s point of view that it does not leave itself open to allegations of unfair dismissal.
Fair dismissal:
* Inability to do the job even after sufficient training has been given
- continuous negative attitude at work
- disregard of required health and safety procedures
- deliberate destruction of an employer’s property
- bullying of other employees.
Unfair dissmisal:
* pregnancy
- a discriminatory reason, for example the race, gender or religion of a worker
- being a member of a union.
Employee morale and welfare
Most HR departments will offer advice, counselling and other services to employees who are in need of support, perhaps because of family or financial problems. These support services can reflect well on the caring attitude of the business towards its workforce. Improving the working conditions with excellent hygiene facilities and safety equipment is another effective way of improving employee welfare. When workers feel that the employer wants to improve their long-term welfare, it often leads to high morale and a strong sense of loyalty to the business, together with a desire for it to do well. If employee morale is high, productivity often increases and labour turnover is low.
Importance of work-life balance
Improving employee morale is important as it may increase labour productivity and help control costs due to lower labour turnover. Improving employee welfare is a hygiene factor according to Herzberg and this will also reduce the costs associated with labour turnover. However, HR performs many other important tasks.
Impact of equality in the workplace
- creating an environment with high employee morale and motivation
- developing a good reputation and the ability to recruit top talent based on fairness
- measuring employee performance by their achievements at work, not by any discriminatory factor.
Impact of diversity in the workplace
- capturing a bigger market share as consumers are attracted by a diverse sales force
- employing a more qualified workforce as selection is based on merit and not on discrimination
- increasing creativity because individuals from different backgrounds approach problem-solving in different ways
- achieving cultural awareness, leading to improved knowledge about foreign markets
- promoting diverse language skills, which allows businesses to provide products and services
Types of training
1. Induction training should be given to all new recruits. It aims to introduce them to the people they will be working with most closely, to explain the internal organisational structure, outline the layout of the premises and make clear essential health and safety issues, such as procedures during a fire emergency.
2. On-the-job training involves instruction at the place of work. This is often conducted by either the HR managers or departmental training officers. Watching or working closely with existing experienced members of staff is a frequent component of this form of training. It is cheaper than sending recruits on external training courses and the content of the training is controlled by the business itself.
- Off-the-job training covers any course of instruction away from the place of work. This could take place in a specialist training centre belonging to the company itself or it could be a course organised by an outside body, such as a college, university or computer manufacturer. Outside training has the added potential of being a source of new ideas. These courses can be expensive but may be indispensable if the business lacks anyone with the required degree of technical knowledge.
Impact of training on a business and its employees
Training can be expensive. It can also lead to well-qualified employees leaving for a better-paid job once they have gained qualifications from a business with a good training programme. These factors can discourage some businesses from setting up expensive training programmes. In addition, workers may be less productive during the training programme, especially if off-the-job training is used.
The costs of not training are also substantial. Untrained employees will be less productive, less flexible and less adaptable. Poorly trained workers often give unsatisfactory customer service. Accidents are likely to result from workers untrained in health and safety matters, especially in manufacturing businesses or in the food industry.
Higher labour productivity and therefore an increased value of work undertaken
by employees. -
Better-quality product or service as employees will be able to carry out their jobs more
effectively. Therefore, the value of work completed by employees will be greater. -
Reduced labour turnover as employees feel valued. This means that the costs of recruitment
can be reduced, resulting in cost savings across the organisation
Benefits of cooperation between management and the workforce
- Fewer days are lost through strikes and other forms of industrial action.
- It will be much easier for management to introduce change in the workplace. For example, a decision
to automate part of a factory could be made with the cooperation of the workforce. - Agreement on more efficient operations will increase the competitiveness of the business.
- Workers’ practical insight into the way the business operates can contribute to more successful
Impact of trade union involvement in the workplace
- The basis of trade union influence has been ‘power through solidarity’. This is best illustrated by the unions’ ability to engage in collective bargaining, negotiating on behalf of all of their members within a business. This puts workers in a stronger position than if they negotiated individually to gain higher pay deals and better working conditions.
- Individual action – for example, one worker going on strike – is unlikely to be very effective. Collective industrial action could result in much more influence over employers during industrial disputes.
- Unions provide legal support to employees who claim unfair dismissal or poor working conditions.
- Unions put pressure on employers to ensure that all legal requirements are met, for example health
and safety rules regarding the use of machinery.
Benefits of collective bargaining
- Employers can negotiate with one trade union officer rather than with individual workers. This saves time and prevents workers from feeling that one individual has obtained better pay and conditions than others.
- Union officials can provide a useful channel of communication with the workers. This two-way communication through the trade union allows workers’ problems to be raised with management and employers’ plans could be discussed with workers.
- Unions can impose discipline on members who plan to take hasty industrial action that could disrupt a business. This makes industrial action less likely.
- The growth of responsible, partnership unionism has given employers a valuable forum for discussing issues of common interest and making new workplace agreements. These discussions should lead to increased productivity, helping to secure jobs and raise profits.