1. HORSES: Rhodococcus equi infection (Rhodococcus equi)-foals Flashcards
RODOKOKKI, Varsan paiseinen keuhkokuume
-Rhodococcus equi (pneumonia)
-infectious disease of foals
caused by
Rhodococcus equi
characterized by
bronchopneumonia, pulmonary abscesses and lymphadenitis
-Rhodococcus equi
-gram +
-facultatively intracellular
-nearly ubiquitous in soil (lähes kaikkialla maaperässä)
-OCCASIONAL pathogen of humans
most serious cause of pneumonia?
-foals in 1-4 months of age
> clinical disease is RARE in horses > (over) 8months of age
Foals that produce little to no detectable gamma interferon (IFN-gamma)
ARE AT RISK of developing pneumonia
often what?
> on farms where dz is endemic: annual morbidity can be high
case-fatality without Tx 80%
transmission: excretion
transmitted via
-indirect contact (manure)
transmission route
-respiratory (inhalation)
> foals are infected during FIRST WEEK OF LIFE
clinical signs
-slowly progressive
- acute
to - subacute clinical manifestations
CS: pulmonary lesions ?
-subacute to chronic suppurative bronchopneumonia
-pulmonary abscessation
-suppurative lymphadenitis
Clinical signs : signs
-lethargy, fever, tachypnea
-diarrhea: in 1/3 of foals
-Thx auscultation: crackles and wheezes with asymmetric/regional distribution
Clinical signs: also might be seen?
-polysynovitis (nivel tulehdus)
-intestinal and mesenteric abscesses
-osteomyelitis (luu infektio)
-pyogranulomatous pneumonia (pyöreitä tulehduspesäkkeitä keuhkokudoksessa)
-lymphadenitis of bronchial LNs
> SUPPURATIVE R.equi pneumonia in foal - note the abscesses in lungs
> LARGE encapsulated abscesses throughout lung parenchyma due to Rhodococcus equi infection
-interstitial pneumonia
-viral respiratory disease
-combined immunodeficiency of Arabian foals
-respiratory tract infection with S.zooepidemicus
-parasitic pneumonia
-pneymocystis jirovici pneumonia
diagnosis: material
-transtracheal lavage
-lung, LNs
diagnosis: in lab
-bacterial culture-for definitive diagnosis
> radiographs, ultrasound ?
-ABs : combination of erythromycin and rifampin
>length: 3-8 weeks
>supportive therapy: IV fluids, saline nebulization, NSAIDs, oxygen, prophylactic antiulcer medication
-early detection of clinical cases
-enhancing passive immunity for neonatal foals
-enhancing nonspecific immunity for neonatal foals
-foals should be maintained in well-ventilated, dust-free areas, avoiding dirt paddocks and overcrowding
-pneumonic foals should be isolated