08.13 - Gas Exchange, O2 Transport (Sinclair) - Questions Flashcards
PH20 at 37degC
Dry Gas Pressure, Inspired
PB - PH20 = 760 - 47 = 713 mmHg
Minute Ventilation =
VE = Tidal Volume x Respiratory Rate
Anatomic Dead Space
Air which remains in the conducting airways at end of inspiration
Alveolar Dead Space
Alveoli ventilated but not perfused
Physiologic Dead Space
Anatomic + Alveolar Dead Space
Minute Ventilation - Physiologic Dead Space =
Alveolar Ventilation
Effective/Alveolar Ventilation =
Minute Ventilation (VE) - Physiologic Dead Space
Anatomic Dead Space ___ with increasing lung volume
Alveolar Dead Space ___ with exercise
In what situation is Increased Alveolar Dead Space not pathologic
Always pathologic
Example of Increased Alveolar Dead Space
Pulmonary Embolism
Dead space is typically what percent of tidal volume
25-30% of tidal volume
How to estimate Dead Space
1 mL per lean body weight in lbs; 25-30% of tidal volume
Alveolar Gas Equation helps us estimate
Alveolar Gas Equation helps us determine
Cause of Hypoxemia; Whether due to lung disease or not
How is CO2 produced in body eliminated
solely by ventilation
Alveolar O2 is a balance of what 2 processes
O2 delivery to alveolus by ventilation; O2 removal from alveolus by capillary blood
Respiratory Exchange Ratio
VCO2/VO2 = 0.8
Complete Alveolar Gas Equation
PAO2 = PIO2 - (PaCO2/R)
PaCO2 is
PIO2 =
(PB - PH20) x FIO2
Formula for normal A-a gradient
(Age + 4) / 4
5 Causes of Hypoxemia
Decreased PIO2; Hypoventilation; Diffusion; R-to-L Shunt; V/Q Mismatch
__ is a good measure of alveolar ventilation
O2 flux = VO2 =
DLO2 (PAO2 - PaO2)
T/F: An abnormal Diffusion Capacity Test can separate the mechanisms of diffusion limitation
T/F: Abnormal Diffusion often causes hypoxemia at rest
False, may contribute to lower PaO2 during exercise
Two types of pulmonary shunts
Unventilated alveoli w/ preserved perfusion; A-V malformations
Hypoxemia even after 100% O2 =
Ventilation is __ at the base of the lung
Perfusion is __ at base of the lung
Overall V/Q of WHOLE LUNG
T/F: 100% O2 will correct low V/Q and V/Q mismatch
Most extreme low V/Q
Most extreme high V/Q
Dead Space
T/F: Most lung diseases cause V/Q mismatch
T/F: V/Q mismatch is unresponsive to O2 Rx
How is pulmonary edema cleared from alveoli
Sodium channels