02c_Human/Construct.: Existential & Reality Therapy Flashcards
Existential Therapy:
Logotherapy (Frankl)
Existential philosophy
Emphasis on personal choice and responsibility
People are in constant state of evolving and becoming
Existential Therapy:
View of Maladaptive Behavior
Inability to cope authentically with ultimate concerns of existence
“Neurotic Anxiety”
Existential Therapy:
Ultimate Concerns of Existence
Existential isolation
Existential Therapy:
Existential Anxiety
Normal response to ultimate concerns of existence
Serves as a source of motivation to change and grow
Existential Therapy:
Neurotic Anxiety Etiology
Results from attempts to avoid existential anxiety
Existential Therapy:
Neurotic Anxiety Characteristics
Disproportionate to situational factors
Often occurs outside conscious awareness
Existential Therapy:
Primary Therapy Goal
Help clients live in a more committed, self-aware, authentic, and meaningful ways
Existential Therapy:
Therapist helps client to…
Recognize their freedom to choose their own destinies
Accept responsibility for changing their own lives
Existential Therapy:
Most important therapeutic tool
Therapist-client relationship
Existential Therapy:
Paradoxal Intention
Reduce fear by focusing on feared situation in an exaggerated and humorous way
Glasser’s Reality Therapy:
People are responsible for their choices
Choices affect life trajectory
Innate needs are primary source of motivation
Reality Therapy:
Five Basic Innate Needs
Love and belonging
Reality Therapy:
Success Identity
When a person fulfills their needs in a responsible, conscious, and realistic manner that does not infringe on the rights of others
Reality Therapy:
Failure Identity
Inability to satisfy needs, or irresponsible satisfaction of needs
Viewed as underlying most psychopatholgy
Reality Therapy:
View of Maladaptive Behavior
Mental illness is a result of an individual’s choices
Reality Therapy:
Primary Goal of Therapy
Develop a Success Identity
= Help clients identify responsible and effective ways to satisfy their needs
Reality Therapy:
Conceptualization of Depression
People choose to depress themselves
Choice is driven by perceived needs
e.g. gain attention from others; avoid unpleasant activities