Youth Sociologists Flashcards
What did Fyvel say about youth subcultures?
Absence of fathers during WW2 meant boys weren’t properly socialised or disciplined so became deviant eg. Teddy Boys
What did Abrams say about youth subcultures?
Young people had more money after WW2 as easy to find work, ‘affluence without responsibility’. Also as mothers stayed in work after war had more disposable income. Eg Teddy Boys and Mods spent money on clothes/music etc
What did Hall and Jefferson say about Teddy Boys?
Formed a rebellious subculture in response to destruction of communities after WW2, defended their territory against immigrants
What did Hall say about Hippies?
Opposed to capitalism and wanted to live an alternative lifestyle based around nature, peace, freedom and free love. Wanted to oppose mainstream culture
What did Brake say about Hippies?
Mainly middle class and formed resistance against parents values and consumer culture. Took drugs, listened to chilled out music and had anti-war attitudes
What did Hebdige say about Skinheads?
Created an exaggerated sense of working class style. Asserted masculine identity due to high unemployment, it kept themselves thinking they were the breadwinner
What did Clarke say about Skinheads?
Territorial, negative towards outsiders. Socialised in pubs, street corners and at football matches
What did Cohen say about Mods?
Mods were working class but tried to imitate middle class, adopted smart may of dressing. Tried to escape alienation and boredom of weekdays by partying at weekends
What did Hebdige say about Mods?
Neat appearance and took time to look respectable. Aimed to gain the consumer status of middle class, went to bars and had disposable income for scooters etc
What did Cohen say about Rockers?
Clashes between Mods and Rockers were exaggerated by the media through deviancy amplification. Presented them as folk devils to create a moral panic. Rockers aimed to stand out as different, had disposable income for motorbikes etc
What did Hebdige say about Rastafarians?
Emerged due to racism and high unemployment in the 70’s. Alienation from British Culture led to express resistance through clothing
What did Sivanandan say about Rastafarians?
Behaviour gave black British youths a source of identity that was distinctive, felt repressed by economic policies and their fight against capitalism and racism was a continuation of a struggle against the white slave owner
What did Cashmore and Troyna say about Rastafarians?
Faced racism and exercised cultural resistance by turning onwards and strengthening their own culture
What did Frith say about Punks?
Form of resistance against the alienation working class youths felt and also as a response to Unemployment.
What did Brake say about Punks?
Attracted middle class who were willing to shock and make political or anti-racist statements
What did Hebdige say about Punks?
Adopted an element of the Rastafarian opposition to being seen as British. Used ‘bricolage’ which meant they took objects and adapted them to have new meanings. Form of expression of resistance to societies ruling class norms and values.
What did Hodkinson?
Based around shared music interests and fashion instead of resistance.
What did Thornton say about Ravers?
Does not see it as resistance or class based. Subcultural capital - more status the more your involved in the subculture and have the latest fashion/music etc
What did Maffesoli say about Ravers?
Rave culture was more of a Neo Tribe than subculture as it is a group with a looser structure and are not class based but more shared interests.
What did Bennett say about Ravers?
Researched Neo Tribes in Newcastle and found people formed temporary associations based on music tastes than class
What did Borden say about Skaters?
Youths who share a hobby, status was gained through skill and time spent on skateboarding. Style was very important.
What did Parsons say about Youth culture?
Rites of passage and a transition of childhood to adult good
Provides a ‘bridge’
What did Eisenstadt say about Youth culture?
Provides a forum for frustrations for young people
What did Rosak say about Youth Culture?
Generation gap emerges
Youth have a shared experience of norms and values that is different to others
What did Nayak say about Youth subcultures?
White Wannabees
Young white working class adopt black culture
‘wangsters’ ‘wiggers’